Aruna looked spun to look at the creature that had been following her. It was odd, to say the least, but she had seen many odd things in her life ( not small percentage had happened that very night) so the surprise was lessened greatly from what she supposed a normal person should feel. It asked, she didn't know how, if she knew she was going to miss the demonstration in the Dining Hall. It seemed polite enough, but had the look of a demon. She recalled that the head master was a Demonmancer, so she assumed he was with the headmaster, if not by obligation then by employment. "Yes, I realize it's about to start I just... got a bit flustered. I needed some air..." Aruna sat there for a moment before her curiosity got the better of her. "I am sorry, but could you please tell me how it is you speak?" She eyed the tentacle like appendages that seemed to make up it's mouth with curiosity.