[center][h2]A Forlorn Remedy, A First[/h2][/center] [center][i]Tracyarmav[/i][/center] [center]Calder Dylan, Izual Anzhela [@Viciousmarrow], Ludelle Glowren [@Wind Wild], Rini [@lovely complex][/center] [center]Day 3, noon.[/center] [color=8882be][i]What a violent little thing, and yet so apparently delicate, surely this little one held some fae blood in her veins. Calder looked over to Ludelle and Izual, as if considering Rini's questions seriously for the first time. In fact he was simply curious as to how things were fairing between the two, the hellspawn seemed a tad more attached than might be normal for mortals, but Calder couldn't say it was in anyway abnormal for a hellspawned, as his only experience with them was on the field of carnage. It was for that reason, that he knew the answer to Rini's questions, and wasn't the least bit concerned about the possibility of it becoming a necessity. If it had to happen, Calder would do as Stormlord required, with no particular pleasure or regret, just detached efficiency born of centuries of practice. Turning his attention back to his new companion, he offered to make introductions, mostly out of personal curiosity.[/i][/color] [color=8dc73f][b]"Those two? I know the lady, and would be happy to introduce you if you like. She's really quite nice, and he's got a reputation for being what some might call [i]absent minded[/i], and others [i]blissfully ignorant[/i]. Shall we join them for the coming ceremony Rini?"[/b][/color] [color=f7941d][i]What in the wide realms of Galendar was this being before him? If I had to name her on our short experiences so far, I would have to name Rini "Sweet Sundering" for her sweet manner and delicate appearance but sheer disregard for traditions and taboos of the culture around her, to say nothing of her apparent fascination with gore. Her brutal honesty would sunder many a fae's good graces with out the slightest effort, though those accustomed to mortals would be less put out by her odd customs. I cannot say as I've ever met anything quite like the soul before me, and yet this all seems so very familiar and I cannot for the life of me figure out why that is... This puzzle will likely bother me endlessly if I let it, best let it go with tide, it will return again later these things always did. I cast the puzzle from my mind, this was Stormlord's wedding day, he deserved my utmost and best, I could deal with this minor puzzle later, on my own time while everyone else got wasted after the wedding. As I consider these things, I move towards Ludelle, using one scaly hand to guide my new friend through the crowd towards the Elf and Hellspawn pair. I smile as we approach, though it's not often a very reassuring sight. I stop about six feet from the pair, and interrupt as politely as I know how.[/i][/color] [color=8dc73f][b]"Pardon my interruption, Ludelle, I'd like you meet Rini a delightfully bubbly soul. Rini, this is Ludelle a shockingly seasoned soul. Who is your new acquaintance Ludelle?"[/b][/color]