Aya finally tagged the Hound she was attacking, having taken three other swings of her weapon before hand and taking it out with her fourth. The weapon shred straight through it's body, going through one side and out the other like a knife through butter. The two sides fell to the ground, and after a few seconds the dead body exploded into pixels. Heaving her weapon up and resting it on her shoulder, the brunette lets out a sigh of relief. Now, there was only one more on her side... which was no where in sight. Her eyes widen exponentially, turning around only to see and hear a loud gunshot, a bullet burning a clean hole through the other Hound's head. The source of the bullet was a now-in-shock Mira, who started to vomit onto the ground because of her actions. Dropping her weapon, the older teen wrapped the younger girl up in a hug once more, carrying the girl away from the exploded pixels of a now disappeared corpse and a puddle of upchucked food. She sat down, keeping the girl in her lap and head at her chest, trying to calm the girl down as she looked over the situation of the other teens. Only to look away as the tanned teen shoved his blade straight through a Hound's skull. He's okay. She instead checked on the other teen, and nearly stopped comforting the girl in her arms at the sight. The Hound that tried to bite him was now scratching at it's eyes, trying to dislodge some kind of dust that somehow appeared on it's face. The Thug, however, was the real pressing issue. The black haired teen had at some point swung at the Thug's head, only for the Thug to take the blow surprisingly well, and use the contact to hold the boy's pipe in place. The Thug's club was raised in order to follow through with a randomly thrown overhead swing, which would probably be followed by another few random swings if he didn't get the teen with the first hit. He was as blinded as the Hound, only difference was that he had a firm hold on the teen's pole.