As soon as Rena’s voice rang out through the studio, Aki observed a handful of kouhais fighting the urge to dive from their seats. They probably would have gone through with it had it not been for the ¥20000 gouache they’d been handling (there was NO way he’d allow those ridiculously expensive tuition fees go to waste over a cheap scare, plus the only thing scarier than potential broken fingers was Akihito-senpai’s frugality). He gave them a pointed stare and they did as the rest of his fellow club members had done, murmured a quiet “hello” before returning to their current projects, all while silently begging for the Yakuza Bitch’s departure. Being one of the more populous associations of Shikatsu’s extracurricular scene, the Art Club was also a treasure trove of gossip and rumours. Nothing filled the silence of hardworking artists like discussion of current events, both inside the school and out. For people who like to keep up with the happenings within the school, Art Club is the ideal place. Aki had to admit though, most of the [s]vicious slander[/s] chatter was questionable at best and completely nonsensical at worst, especially when it came to Rena Tatsuya. Did she single-handedly decimate the judo club last year because someone ripped her uniform? Possibly. Did she one time break a student council member’s fingers after they attempted to search her bag? Probably? Was she the heiress to the most notorious yakuza clan in the prefecture? Definitely, and that was enough reason for Akihito to avoid her if possible. He was fairly sure that his family preferred having intact pinkies. When it came to Rena herself, Aki had encountered her type before. People were like math equations; they seemed to vary on the surface, but the trend was there. As long as you saw past the daunting exterior and knew the correct method, you’d get along just fine. And Aki always knew the method. For the confident, popular (ish?) rich ones, stay chill. Make them laugh, project confidence, don’t look like you’re trying too hard, if you want to play up the “mysterious guy” angle that’s fine too, but above all, show no fear. Aki was fairly certain the rumours were ridiculous exaggerations, but the threat of her lineage was ever present. [color=82ca9d] “Hmm? Oh, hey Rena-chan! Yeah, that’s just been something at the back of my mind recently,”[/color] he greeted her with a warm, practiced smile, silently congratulating himself for being able to hold back a fearful stutter. [color=82ca9d] “Did kendo club let out early today?”[/color] he spoke, pretending not to notice the obvious bruise. No reason to point it out. [color=82ca9d]“If you want to paint or anything I could help you set up an easel but if you’re just drawing, the supplies are just next to the portfolio cabinet,”[/color]