[quote=@Muttonhawk] Ah. I guess I misremembered how freepoints vs. might points worked for things like magic. I am about to head to sleep, so I'll be able to talk more tomorrow, but I'll at least give some response. Toun intends to have the slave hain in particular learn kaolokinesis without teaching anyone else on the planet. Toun isn't giving every hain on Galbar this ability. This is a population of roughly 200-300 at this point, essentially hooked up to a hive mind with Toun at the centre now that Cornerstone has being built around them. They would be bestowed and taught how to use their new powers more intrusively than normal. I'm not sure if these parameters change anything about what I was trying to do but I would have no issue spending straight up might on it. If the process has to be gradual with one might point, would two or three make it quick enough for use within, say, a few months, or a week? I've still got a few points spare. [/quote] I guess automatically 'embedding' or 'programming' magic into their minds is possible with an additional Might, and seeing as they are unthinking slave-hain, it's not much of an issue.