As he began to enter orbit, Gerard disconnected his tether and gave the shuttle a mock salute even as his armour began to glow cherry red. With a sharp snap, the grapple slammed back into place in his fist and he turned into the atmosphere to witness the rapid approach of the ground. He squinted before the Marauder's automated systems filtered out the glare, managing to pick out the installment they were assaulting. It wasn't a particularly impressive structure, being made of the standard ferrocrete most buildings were made of these days, but it did bring some of its fangs to bear as SAM launchers and flak cannons swivelled to cover their approach. As McKnight's voice echoed over the comms, Gerard had already begun to process, though his descent was much slower. As he neared the troposphere, the OS fully kicked into gear. This. This was much more his element. Coming from an infantry background, he always much preferred it when he was fighting on solid terra firma. As soon as it kicked up though, his cockpit began to blare with alarm after alarm, as well as a rapidly rising heat meter which he quickly began to ignore. The Marauder would pull though, he didn't even have to check. Lagging behind at the very back of the formation, Gerard had the pleasure of watching his comrades at work. McKnight destroying the AA installations, the Rookie engaging the Ferirs and...of course, Madamoiselle Yuu in her usual eccentric fashion, crushing a flak cannon under her MAS's weight. "Merde, madamoiselle, at least execute the enemy with some respect," he joked through comms as he engaged his own landing pack. With a hiss of gas and columns of flame, he landed considerably softer than hsi companion on the roof of the base before immediately discarding the still discharging jump pack. Already his senses were assaulted by the sound of Savior cannons throwing their payloads at a far target. Pulling the Ravager axe off of his back, Gerard licked his lips. He had been cooped up on the ship for too long now. He hoped that his senses had not dulled. "C'est bien, madamoiselle," Gerard directed at Williams as he began to move towards her, "but do not celebrate yet." As he spoke, another Ferir lumbered out of the hangars, cutting through the slagged doors with its knife and climbing out like a drunken Deutschian on Oktoberyerr. With an unceremonious drop, the Marauder drove the head of his axe through its chassis, narrowly missing the cockpit before landing astride the gutted Ferir. "We have other problems to deal with." Looking down, he saw the pilot scramble out of the smashed cockpit and begin scrambling away. Every life he could save was another story. Hopefully...that man would give up on the military and go on to live a fuller life...unlike him. He knew intellectually he would probably not leave this world alive, but he could only hope "McKnight, orders?"