Full Birth-Given Name :: Abigail Chasity Jones Preferred Name :: Gail Established In :: March 21st 1995 (22 yrs soon) Gender Identification :: Mostly female Sexual Orientation :: Bi Someone In Your Sights :: Not currently. I've been pretty focused on school work. I'm a good girl after all ;) Current Attended College :: KU Class You’re Enrolled In Participating In Trip :: The Sociology of Tribal Communities Boyfriend(or)Girlfriend :: Nope Historical Background :: Being academically inclined I was always in the top grades of my classes, went to fairly good schools and kept my nose clean for the most part. I have a little brother that I tried to keep on the 'right path' and my parents are nice people. No dark secrets or anything like that. I'm a pretty normal girl. When I got accepted into all of my college choices they were thrilled and I accepted the best scholarship. I now study Sociology with a focus on tribal communities. I was stoked to be chosen for the Savanna trip as it falls into my field of study. Some people might think it odd that a girl from Kentucky would end up studying what I do but honestly the community in Kentucky is only a sub set of the community of 'The South' and further more a sub set of the community of the 'U.S.A'. Really I'm just interested in people. What makes me so different from you? What makes us the same? I'm rambling. Anyway. That's me ! State/Country of Origin :: Lexington Kentucky USA Contents of Suitcase :: I brought 2 pairs of pants (jeans), 1 pair of shorts (khaki), 3 button down short sleeved blouses (white, light blue, green), 1 Sun Hat, 1 water purification kit (dad made me take it), 1 first aid kit (basics), and 1 pair of clean socks. (( I'm assuming they also have what they were wearing, which would be another pair of shorts, hiking boots, blouse and scarf to tie back her hair) Contents of Carry-On Bag :: My adorable back pack had my water canteen, sunscreen lotion, map of the local areas we are going to study, English to Gur dictionary, notebook to take notes in, 1 box of tampons, and a bag of trail mix. Song That Best Describes Me :: I'm not really into music all that much... Description of Persona :: I'm not sure that there is anything particularly special about me. I'm smart but I'm not a genius... I'm a good student but that's just cause I work hard and enjoy learning. I'm pretty easy to get along with and for the most part avoid conflict where I can. I do have a pretty big fear of spiders but back in Kentucky that wasn't a big deal or anything. Descriptive Appearance :: About 5'7", 145lbs, blonde, blue eyes. I like to swim a lot so I'm in pretty good shape, not particularly busty or anything but definitely female. I smile a lot and thanks to braces and Crest Whitening Tooth Paste it's a pretty great smile. I tend to freckle when out in the sun. Accessories :: My ears are pierced just the once and I keep plain silver studs in those. I have a digital watch and wear a belt to keep my shorts precisely in place. Photographed Appearance :: [img]http://www.hcelebs.net/celebs/celebs19/emilie-de-ravin-beauty.jpg[/img]