[hider=Tobias Thane] [u][center][h1][color=ed1c24]Tobias Thane[/color][/h1][/center][/u] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/ShckKxr.jpg[/img][/center] [color=ed1c24][b]ALIAS:[/b] [/color] Blink [color=ed1c24][b]AGE:[/b][/color] 23 [color=ed1c24][b]GENDER:[/b][/color] Self Explanatory [color=ed1c24][b]APPEARANCE:[/b] [/color] Tobias stands above 6 feet (around 184 centimeters) and weighs 82 kilos. He was gifted by life with an amazing look and body too. Girls think she is sexy and with his boxed beard he can charm most of them. He isn't shy to do so either. Thanks to the daily workout he is in a good physique too, just like anyone who does sports on a daily basis. Tobias is a rich kid, and so he dresses like a rich kid. he is never late to adapt to the newest trends, thought he is not particularly "hipster" (if that still exists in 2200). If out to train his ability Tobias wears a red and white biker suit, with a helmet of matching colors. He also uses sap gloves whenever he knows that he will run into trouble. [color=ed1c24][b]ABILITIES:[/b] [/color] Tobias has the ability to spontaneously dislocate himslef and those with him to any place in his line of sight, or immediate surroundings, AKA Blink. Though he can blink up to a hundred meters on a completely flat and uninterrupted terrain if in line of sight, his ability to Blink to his surrounding are has been limited to 1-2 meters so far, if he can't see it. It is also easier for him to blink to placee where he has been before. When Tobias Blinks, he carries any items he wishes to with himself, including his clothes. The process itself is painless and is instant, but it burns calories at a quick rate, making it tiring to Blink too many times. the fact that he just began using his powers means that it takes longer and longer until he can Blink again, as his body is getting more tired and tired. After the initial Blink, Tobias needs about half a second to jump again, and after that it will require roughlly 0.1-0.2 seconds more to cast each jump. Around the 10th Blink that means that each Blink is about 1 seconds. More Blinks will mean that the average Blink time will grow exponentally. Since he got his ability, he has been constantly improving the number of blinks he can make in a short period of time. The obvious limit to this ability is that if he can't see his target he can't blink too far. When he comes too close to losing conciousness due to the loss of calories, he can no longer do Blinks. His current record is 25 uninterrupeted blinks. [color=ed1c24][b]SKILLS:[/b] [/color] Tobias is a very charismatic person. He can easely seduce women and is good at convincing people that he is right. He has spent loads of time on the street, running away from his home along with attending to offical events his parents went to. he can speak to about any person, and is usually the one to talk in a group. He is also a top notch athlete. He used to do parkour, usually running away from security trying to take him home. And lastly he was trained in Krav Maga, and taught how to shoot a gun. He wasn't really interested in either, but he knows a bit about both. [color=ed1c24][b]FLAWS:[/b][/color] Selfish and Arrogant, Tobias thinks he is perfect. The rich kid syndrome if you would. He usually underestimates others, and this can lead some awkward moments when he is called rude. His general lack of interest in learning has led to him being under educated in many areas. He is not stupid, but he doesn't know capitals, or even countries, and doesn't know classical things, not to mention history. He was always more interested in science education. Thobias isn't stupid, but he isn't the most intelligent person either. He is not good at plannning cause of this, but at least he can easely improvise. [color=ed1c24][b]BACKGROUND:[/b] [/color] Thobias was born as the son of Teodor Thane, the CEO of Enson Corporations, and such he has always lived a prosperous life in the rich areas of Mars. He could always ask for anything, and he always got it. When his mother was alive he was always in the middle of everything and his parents always found some time to play with him. But after his mother passing away when he was 6, he and his father distanced themselves from each other. Thobias did school stuff and went to parties, whilst his dad attended to offical stuff. Sometimes his dad brought Tobias to events such as weddings and dinners but he never enjoyed it. From elementary school, Thobias has always lived a rebellous life. He used to be on the baseball team, being one of the fastest runners in school. Passing with a normal score, once in High School Thobias became the most famous kid in class. He always had a girl or two by his side, and he went around town with his gang doing "fun". Later he started to do parkour, and skateboarding. Always coming back late, and having bad grades, his father sent out guards to get him home after school, and prevent him from doing bad things. However this made Thobias even more furious and he often sneaked out from school unnoticed to evade the guards. When he turned 16 he got a motorbike, and since he uses that as his primary method for travel. He just loves the speeding of it, and can't get enough of the thrill. Not to mention being a real lady magnet. Near this time he started to do 1G training to better practice his parkour. Twice every week, he did a training painful after the Martian 0.3G. That said after a few months he has stopped feeling pain on the trainings and had better conditioning than a lot of other kids. During the next couple of years, he has spent many time on the streets, dealing drugs and running errands for a few friends in teh business, generally away from home whenever possible to avoid all the bullshit about his behaviour. He has always loved his dad, and he didn't want to bother him with his own things either. After the shake of Mars things turned to hell, and his dad has been always on the phone and away with some reason. He discovered his ability on an otherwise fatal night. After running away from one his guards he aimlessly ran around town. When he was heading back home near Evening his foot slipped and he fell down a building. That moment he wished really, really hard to be still on top of that ledge in fornt of him. Then suddenly in the Blink of an eye (pun intended) he was atop the building. He Tobias was shocked. He felt tired and exhausted, and he couldn't remember how he got home. Since he spent his time secretly practicing and perfecting his ability. [color=ed1c24][b]SAMPLE POST:[/b] [/color] The rushing of the wind against his helmet was a fantastic feel. Tobias took a deep breath, and looked at the mirror to see the road behind him. The glass reflected with blue and red lights as one more cop car joined the chase. "One more. Great." Tobias laughed to himself, which was more like a muffled shake that ran through his helmet. He took a turn leading to the docks, and turned the handle to accelerate with the motorbike. The roaring sound eliminated all other noises for a second and then a sudden rush sped him up and left the cops with only dust. At least for a few seconds. His motorbike was fast, but not fast enoguh to hold the police interceptors at bay for long. Instead of taking a direct route he decided to take as many turns as possible to avoid the authority. After all, he spent his entire life running away. After taking the twenty or so turn, the sound of the sirens started to fade away, and it seemed as if they lost his trail. Tobias pulled down into a narrow alley and stopped the bike's engine. He removed his helmet and sighed heavely, catching air after the chase. For a second he jsut blankly stared into teh darkness and listened to the repeating sound of the cops trying to find someone who wasn't even near them. "Alrighty, let's see what we got." The dufflebag on his back made a loud sound as it hit the ground, alerting a few birs that sat on nearby poles. Not like anyone would notice now. Tobias crossed one of his fingers inside the gloves and opened the zipper. And there was it. 10 kilos of pure Black Dust, enough to spend a lifetime in prison. And no one wants to go to prison on Mars. Especially not someone who is rich. "Yes, yes, yes!" Tobias stood up and started to dance around the bag for a few seconds. The he removed the number plate from his bike, and threw it into the bag, closing it once again. Tobias chanined the motor to a nearby grate, and looked up at the night sky, before vanishing from sight, and leaving only a small pile of black dust behind. [/hider] [hider=Enson Corporation] Enson is a Mars based PMC and arms manufacturing company that control most of the weapons market, and almost the whole Lunar warehouse industry. They have the biggest standing force of all PMCs on Mars and are the lead developers in experimental weapons and cybernetic augments. Ever since the Lorne Corporation began putting out it's own V.I., Enson has put a fortune in the developing V.I. robots themselves. On Mars they are the richest and corporation, gaining massive amounts of credits every cycle. After an unfortunate accident in 2127, the UN has put sanctions on the company. To avoid further conflicts they signed a treaty that they will work together with the UN, and in exchange they will look over the incident. Now Enson supplies UN with vast amounts of small arms and equipment, improving their relations, and also gaining reputation amongst any potential buyers. UN bonds have improved ever since the riots began, as Enson is siding with Earth in this issue, providing vast amounts of weapons, whilst still maintaining an image of prosperity to the Martian inhabitants with constant displays of military power, to keep them at bay. They help occasionally in quieteing riots, in order to prevent chaos, and therefore loss of profits from mars. Nowadays most of it's operations are providing defense against pirates and raiders for different vessels, like VIPs and Traders. The current CEO is Teodor Thane, who has a slight knowledge about the people with superpowers, thought he is yet to fully confirm it. [/hider]