Moments later, the front door opened once more, and a maid moved in carrying a few bags under her arms, followed by the coachman with a begrudging look on his face as he pulled two heavy trunks in the door. "Aye, I'll be getting the last one, just a moment." he said, going back out into the wet to fetch her last bit of luggage. Mademoiselle Eulalie Bellerose, formerly of La Havre, and heiress to the Comt & Comtesse de Canton, currently of La Havre, was seething. First, there was the weather. Well that couldn't be helped, but someone who knew their place would have waited out the storm at the port rather than dragging her into a sopping carriage with a flimsy roof that had bounced and buckled its way across the city leaving the warm, dry steamship behind. [i]Damner cette pluie, et au diable cette femme! Merde tout cet endroit. C'est la maison d'un cochon... [/i] Eulalie stood cursing them silently. She forced herself to keep a straight face, but the urge to wrap the snooty Snow in brambles was there. Then there was the fact that she was sent to the damned colonies for one little mishap with said brambles on a rival... [i]That cow deserved it...[/i] she thought. In a prim French accent, she turned to the girl who introduced herself to her as Ellie. "Allo, thank you. I shall appreciate a hot bath later as well." Eulalie expected the girl already knew whom she was. Surely this was news to have a noblewoman in such a place, inherited nobility no less, none of those purchased titles. She could trace her lineage all the way back to La Belle au bois Dormant. She gave an order to Georgine, her maid, to follow to the room and direct the placement of her luggage into said room as well, then turned back to Ellie, looking expectantly at her as she was prepared to follow.