[color=ed1c24][h3]Hiyoko Uchihha[/h3][/color] Hiyoko cracked her neck rolling it between her shoulders liberally as she eased into the idea of being conscious. She felt the up and down movements of a horse-drawn carriage and recalled where she had been. While her teammates had supposedly taken the much quicker route of traveling by foot; Hiyoko had decided to see the country side. Her mother had warned her, [color=007236]“if you don’t know anything about the people you’re defending then you’ll have to defend yourself from them and any outside forces.”[/color] She sighed bringing her hands together and cracking the knuckles on her fist. She jumped out of the moving carriage, running beside it, easily matching the nonchalant pace the horses lazily kept. [color=ed1c24]“Sir, are we almost there?”[/color] Hiyoko called up the farmer who had promised to taken her. The farmer’s seemingly drunken gaze did not meet her eyes, instead fixing in on her headband. “Yeah, kid we’re almost there.” [color=ed1c24]“Well good.”[/color] She said jumping up to a position beside the man, carefully flipping over him. He didn’t seem fazed or impressed. Hiyoko let out a small sigh as she realized they really were coming up on the village. While repairs were most certainly under way, and it most likely looked better every day – the village was a mess. She reached into her pocket and allowed her thumb to play with the corner of the envelope mindlessly as she felt the jingle of two keys within the envelope. “Unfortunately, this is as far as we get.” The farmer said to Hiyoko looking at her expectantly to get off of his carriage. [color=ed1c24]“Thank you sir.”[/color] Hiyoko said casually going back into the carriage and grabbing her small duffel bag of things. Hiyoko walked through the village gates, Fuma Shuriken clinking on both of her hips as she did. She scanned the addresses of the houses she was passing until the house described in her letter was located. She walked up – the door was locked. She pulled out both of her keys and fumbled with them until she found which way she needed to hold the right key to unlock her new front door. Her fears turned out rather accurate. It was a nice building, rather swank compared to most in the surrounding area. She’d have to sleep with a kunai under her pillow – they had been lodged in bullseyes. She quickly located her room – 1B. It seemed one of her teammates had already arrived, if she had to guess it would be Sano. He didn’t seem like the type to take the long road to just about anywhere. Hiyoko threw her duffel bag onto her bed and admired the plaid blanket that adorned her bed. It looked comfy. Hiyoko locked the door behind her when she left the house. She wasn’t sure what she would be looking for just yet but it was either Sano or Intel. She traversed the streets around the border of the city, where it met the forest. She had her hands in her pocket while she glanced around if she was to find Sano she assumed it would be near food or a fight. He was the type of guy that you liked – unless you didn’t. Then you hated him. Hiyoko had spent a year now being his teammate. She liked him well enough, they were close enough that Hiyoko could go talk to him if she was having a rough night, perhaps not about the causation around her bad night but to make the night better. He always egged her on for being so serious about beg a ninja. She had always told him that it was a life or death job – he didn’t seem to care when she protected him in battle. She let out a small chuckle when her ears picked up something very interesting. Someone calling someone a freak. [i]You already have to break up a fight. God damn it.[/i] Hiyoko’s eyes flickered in the pale sunlight as she turned the corner one hand on her Fuma Shuriken that rested thirsty for the taste of flesh on her hip. But she smiled and deactivated her Kekkei Genkai when she saw the causation for the concerns. She let Sano play the situation out, he handled it well for all intents and purposes and she found a small compliment in the idea that he thought he was weaker than some. [color=ed1c24]“Sano Nara, you’ve been here for all of ten minutes and you already have to disarm thugs… This remind you of our graduation from the academy at all?”[/color] Hiyoko said with a warm smile on her face. She approached her teammate of a year and placed a hand on his shoulder. It was nice to see him after taking so long traveling up here. [color=ed1c24]“Thank you for not throwing a party at our house.” [/color]