[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjY2Ljc1MmM4Ny5TMkYwYzNWdGFRLCwuMAAA/glukmixer.medium.png[/img][/center] Katsumi exhaled a bit. These ignoramus, ridiculous idiots. Wait. She was a [i]mind reader?[/i] Katsumi couldn’t find much that she liked about mind readers. At all. She quickly attempted to wipe her tainted thoughts from her head as someone came into the room and flipped the library’s defense mechanism. She didn’t mind the pain, either way, she wasn’t even using her powers at the time so it barely even hurt. She shot a bored look at the [@Zombehs] man and moved once he turned it back off. With that, she snatched the book out of the loud mouth that had came in earlier and smiled at [@floodtalon] him. [color=#ad3e96]“Thank you. However, it doesn’t matter if you don’t like this specific genre. This is not your library nor is it mine.”[/color] She smiled kindly at him and put the book back where it belonged. Well, she didn’t fully dislike him. He reminded Katsumi of her brother and that was a good thing. [b]“Oh, you look like you’re pretty strong. Let’s fight!”[/b] Yeah. Not going to be here for that. I do hope they don’t do such a thing in the library. As well as my new home, not that these people had bothered to notice or care. Well, no mind I suppose. Katsumi went over to the western architecture area once again. Since he couldn’t read, she got him the ones that were pretty much specifically pictures. There were about 5 different books that were focused on images of the interiors. They were pretty good and gave a light to the interiors of western architecture, a large amount of images in each of the books. Katsumi walked over to him and placed the books on a seat that he was near. [@Ashifili] [color=#ad3e96]“These are the books focused more on interiors. I hope you find them useful. I'll get out of your way now.”[/color] She says, a kind smile on her face. With that, she got a seemingly interesting book that she had brought to the school and walked out of the room with a polite bow towards everyone and [@TheHangedMan] smiling at seal-girl. Katsumi headed over to the bakery that she happened to hear about before. "Boulangerie Le Clair" Katsumi did love sweets after all. The place wasn't extremely crowded so she ordered a cup of coffee along with a small pastry. Taking a seat in the back, she took out the book and began to read. The food tasted delicious and the book was... interesting for sure. She'll never know why she has a book on parenting. I suppose I thought it would help me in life...? Well, no mind. Katsumi could read anything and it doesn't matter if it would actually help her in life later or not. She continued to read the book, sipping her coffee from time to time.