A lesser man would have had a headache from all the bullshit he had to deal with, but Cole? Cole simply let out a sigh and said to the battlesexual oni, [i]"Arenas should be open in a day or two. Book one and let me know when."[/i] Meruin’s words were met with a similarly calm, if not slightly bored reply. [i]"So long as you don't cause any trouble and don't tag the place up you can stay. If you want Gall you can call for him yourself."[/i] And, with that, the graduate left the room. After all, it was still a student’s dorm, not the actual library. [hr] Arata was fine with that, ultimately. He got his books from Katsumi, whom he thanked with a dip of his head. He got another fight from an interesting (yet also boring) person from Cole, whom he smiled at. And…that was basically it. While the greedy loud person went about his introductions, pointing at the seal-pasting midget, Arata took this as his cue to leave as well. Exiting the Library, he juggled the two books in his hand, before bouncing off once more. Sorcha and her new boy-toy were basically off fucking around in the red-light district or whatever, so the Tower’s highest floor WAS an option now, but at the same time… Yeah, it wasn’t the tallest building after all. Setting his sights towards the clocktower of Montagne Academy, the structure that stood above everything else, the oni ran up the side of it, somersaulted upwards to the highest point, and from there, with the wind billowing the pages and the sounds of the school drowned out by the sounds of the sky, the oni focused on visualizing the storage shed. He focused, he imagined, he thought, until there was not a single spare cell in his brain left to wander off and consider other things. Three days. Three days until he can see the worth of this wider world. [@floodtalon][@TheHangedMan][@sakurasan]