[color=green][center][h1]Adria Solium[/h1][/center][/color] [hr] Adria quickly ducked as some of the syringes and knives being flung out of the cabinet flew towards her. Some of them dropped on the floor behind her, while some managed to bury themselves into the wall. Which was mildly terrifying, if we were to be perfectly honest. If she survived long enough to get her dorm assignment, she wouldn't stick around any longer then she had to. [color=green]Um, could you...not..uh, alright...[/color] Adria started to protest about the throwing of sharp objects, but stopped herself. As it was clear it wouldn't do much of anything. Though, thankfully, they stopped anyways when Meredith finally found the dorm assignment. Adria took the dorm assignment from Meredith, quickly mumbled her farewells, and supposing she wasn't stopped, would quickly back out of the room and dash for the nearest corner. [hr] [@Rune_Alchemist]