What is your full name? "Almveig Taar" she replies promptly. How do you look? (You find this a strange question but decide to answer it anyway) [URL=http://s860.photobucket.com/user/Biohazard22/media/lagertha_zps14e3d859.gif.html][IMG]http://i860.photobucket.com/albums/ab167/Biohazard22/lagertha_zps14e3d859.gif[/IMG][/URL] "Half-human, half-horse, what's it look like to you?" She half-snapped before letting out a frustrated sigh. "Guess you could say I'm blonde-haired, green-eyed, kinda rough looking, but otherwise I suppose fits the purpose just fine and it's easily noticeable." She adds, tossing her hair gently with a giggle. Describe your personality. Be honest, I will be able to tell if you lie to me. "I'm a no nonsense kind of gal, which makes me wonder why I'm here having this random chat with you. I guess it comes with being a little self-involved. Don't get me wrong, I can be plenty self-critical, but a bit of confidence doesn't hurt, now does it? I don't much care for company, so whatever it is you've got to say, you'd better spit out fast." What house are you in? Do you feel you belong in this house? "Slitherin." A smirk. "I wouldn't have it any other way." How is your O.W.L. and/or N.E.W.T. progress going? In other words, which classes do you specialize in? "You pullin' my leg? I passed my O.W.L with flying colours! Well...I scored outstandingly on my Divination and History of magic exams, boring huh? I exceeded expectations in Potions, Astronomy and Ancient Runes. The others were well, uh...acceptable." She ends with a grimace. "As for my N.E.W.T, let's just say I'm planning on changing a few things about that 'acceptability' issue." Do you play in Quidditch? "Seriously? And how exactly would I fly on a broom?" She asks in response with an irritated flick of her tail. "No, of course not." What does your Patronus look like? "An stallion, go figure." Do you have a pet that stays with you? "My ferret, Nigel." What are your most used spells? "Langlock. Scourgify - don't give me that look, if the spell can do my bidding for me, why the heck not? And hey, Incendio's one of the classics, wouldn't you say so?"