[hider=Eli Scott] [h3][u][b]Basic Information[/b][/u][/h3] [b]Name:[/b] [indent]Eli Scott[/indent] [b]Age:[/b] [indent]21[/indent] [b]Gender:[/b] [indent]Male[/indent] [b]Appearance:[/b] [indent]Slight, and unintimidating, Eli is the last person you’d expect to be involved in organised crime. His long hair often comes close to falling into his eyes, eyes which are rarely engaged, and usually hold a preoccupied, vaguely distracted look, even in the event of serious danger. His face is smooth and unscarred; with boyish good looks that fool even the dedicated observer into thinking he is younger than he actually is. He clearly doesn’t care much about what he wears, though most of it is expensive, albeit worn carelessly, clearly he doesn’t buy his own clothes, and has them bought for him. Silk shirts are often thrown on with Roberto Cavalli jeans, the shirt creased and un-ironed, the jeans dirty and clearly stored in that classic location, the floordrobe. He’s also not exactly subtle about the gun that is apparently welded to his ribs or hip. [/indent] [b]Skills/Talents:[/b] [indent]Creative thinking, he’s never been a fighter, and truthfully doesn’t have the build or muscle mass to really pose much of a threat in close quarters, what he does have however, is a viciously inventive mind and an eye for any weaknesses or slip ups that can be exploited. Reading people, he has an uncanny knack for reading people’s feelings and reactions, and frequently exploits this. Psychological warfare, following on from his ability to read people is his ability to play with their feelings and perspectives. He can cause even the most secure and self-confident fighter doubt themselves and their abilities.[/indent] [b]Brief Backstory:[/b] [indent]Eli grew up in the city, and not in a nice part of it at that, his parents didn’t own a car, because any vehicle in the neighbourhood would be stripped down to the chassis in a matter of minutes if left unattended. Kids played on the streets yes, but always with cautious parents watching from windows, or the front door on the pretext of smoking outside the house. It was simple perhaps, but the people in those neighbourhoods bonded through a mutual desire to survive and prosper. They had little, but it wasn’t an unpleasant life, there was always food on the table, and Eli had enough friends in the neighbourhood. Then, when Eli turned eleven, his father lost his job, the local factory he had worked out closing its doors without warning, leaving the family with no income. His mother started working as a cleaner, finding work in the wealthier neighbourhoods where people were always willing to pay for someone to scrub the toilets and vacuum the floors. Jonathon Scott had more difficulty in finding a job though, and the fact that they had always lived on credit, on the edge of bankruptcy, began to catch up. Proper meals, at least for his parents, became fewer and farther between, while new clothes were more often bought in thrift stores than brand new, and luxuries like smart phones were entirely out of the picture. Of course he was bullied at school for his misfortune, but Eli, though he never really understood the realities of what was going on, just did his best to help his parents. Years of careful scrimping and saving got them back on a relatively even keel, and Jonathon Scott even managed to get a job, albeit a poorly paying one as a night guard. Things were finally starting to look up, until Rebecca was diagnosed with lung cancer. Without health insurance there was little they could do, and even less they could afford, Eli’s father began working non-stop, pulling in eighty and ninety hour weeks on his paltry wages. Having just turned eighteen, and watching his mother wasting away and his father desperate to save her, Eli tried working, and realised that there was no way that he would be able to help monetarily, he tried another way. He’d always stayed out of the gangs in the neighbourhood, but when some of these boys were flashing their brand new iPhones and driving around in souped up cars he realised that maybe it was the best way to start helping. Of course they wouldn’t simply take in an outsider, and his first attempt found him with a black eye and two broken fingers, although it ended much worse for the gang members who thought he would be an easy target. This moment of stress, of desperation, was the moment that his ability manifested, and it allowed him to make short work of the young men who thought he would be an easy target. Perhaps as a result of his power he experienced a strange rush, a rush he’d never experienced before, it was heady, addictive, and he found himself craving it once more. In any other city NEST would have been called in, but Seraphine Campbell, by pure happenstance, had an informant placed in the gang. She stamped down on the rumours before they could spread, and offered the young man more money than he could dream of if he agreed to work for her. The original deal was simply until his mother’s cancer went into remission, but two years on, when it did, when she was announced as healthy as she could be, he continued to work for the glamourous information broker. Acting as an enforcer and sometime bodyguard brought with it a rush that he couldn’t find anywhere else, and he was hooked on the lifestyle. He still speaks to his parents occasionally, but they know little of what he does, even if they have their suspicions. And he intends to keep it that way. [/indent] [h3][u][b]Power Information[/b][/u][/h3] [b]Power Class:[/b] [INDENT]Super-System[/INDENT] [b]Power:[/b] [indent]Eli has an ability that makes him hard to predict, one that fluctuates in power levels, and, as such, most people are unaware of the truth of his ability, of course he uses this ignorance to his, often significant, advantage. His abilities are controlled and manipulated by his moods, more particularly, by his levels of cortisol and adrenaline. These are chemicals in the body who’s presence increases dramatically in times of stress, and particularly in Eli’s case, in times of aggression and conflict. Eli’s physical capabilities increase when he fights. This isn’t an instant transition, he does not suddenly possess incredible physical abilities when a fight starts, rather, it ramps up slowly, over time. Unlike most therefore, he benefits from a fight lasting a long time, turning from a relatively unintimidating, slight figure with apparently little in the way of physical talent, to a physical juggernaut capable of dashing across a room in a blur and bowling over men twice his size without breaking a sweat. This ability, once it gets rolling, will enhance all of his physical capabilities, including his reaction speed, strength, and even his resilience. These do not all increase at the same rate however, so he may be able to throw a car, but not dodge a bullet, though he can certainly get anything vital out of the way of anything but close range shots. His resilience will also increase exponentially, more in line with his strength, apparently partly out of self-preservation to prevent him from breaking his own bones, but with the added bonus that he can take significantly more damage than any normal human when sufficiently ‘roided up’. Now this process accelerates as it develops, and his strength effectively doubles for every minute and a half that passes while in this state.[/indent] [b]Limits:[/b] [indent]Eli is as vulnerable as any normal human at the beginning of a fight. He’s not strong, and though he is fast by necessity, he isn’t going to be dodging any bullets. The easiest way to take him out of a fight is simply to target him first, removing him from the equation and thus neutralising him as a threat. Even if he was ignored for the first few minutes however he would still be limited in his effectiveness. It takes a minute and a half for him to double in strength, which isn’t saying much as at only 130lbs he isn’t exactly a world class athlete. Although his resilience keeps up with his strength, it won’t make him bullet proof at any great speed, after a protracted combat of six or seven minutes he could likely shrug off small arms fire, but heavy calibre bullets would still do significant damage unless the fight had been drawn out to nearly twenty minutes. There is also no healing aspect to this power, he becomes more resistant to damage, but damage done before this is still there, a bullet hole in his leg will still be there. It may be a little easier to ignore, but the damage is still done.[/indent] [b]Weaknesses/Drawbacks:[/b] [indent]Though protracted fights are Eli’s greatest strength, therein also lies his greatest weakness, maintaining his ability at such a level for such a period of time is exhausting, and he will be left incredibly fatigued, even unconscious after a long fight, victorious or not. In addition, he is far more likely to suffer ashing than most metas. He cannot turn off his ability, once it has kicked in it’s there until he wins, or Eli is defeated or dead. This ability also has addictive qualities, it heightens the effects of an adrenaline rush to become something that has led to a dependency. In addition, the presence of huge amounts of cortisol in his system can induce high levels of stress once his ability has wound down, including symptoms such as headaches, chest pain and a rapid heart rate, a poor immune response, and insomnia. [/indent] [h3][u][b]Relationships[/b][/u][/h3] [b]Family:[/b] [INDENT]Rebecca Scott – Mother Jonathon Scott - Father[/INDENT] [b]Dynamics:[/b] Basically your character's relationship with other characters. [indent][b] {Seraphine} [/b] | [b] {Good} [/b] | [b] {Employer, Crush)}[/b] | {She pays well, and insists on buying me new clothes all the time, I think I embarrass her a bit. She plays at being cold, and ruthless, but I’m sure there’s a warm heart in there somewhere, she helped with my mom after all.} |[/indent] [h3][u][b]Other[/b][/u][/h3] [list][*]The true details of Eli's power are a closely guarded secret, and as such the fact of his increasing strength are unknown to all but Seraphine and one or two of her employees. [/list][/hider]