Ssarak listened to Meirin intently, trying to understand everything she said, though it was a lot to take in at once. She seemed to have quite a bit of experience in her philosophy, while he was trying to understand it through just an explanation. Regardless, he took in as much as he could, though he would not know if it was effective until he encountered the same issue again, and he certainly did not intend on replicating that experience again, if he could help it. Once they started hearing what sounded like music from inside, Meirin suggested they head back to the dining hall in case it was the start of the demonstrations, to which Ssarak nodded in agreement. Ssarak remained outside for a few minutes after Meirin left so he could get a few more breaths of fresh air before finally heading in himself. Once inside, it took him a few moments to remember where he had been seated, but he eventually found his chair, with his meal fortunately untouched by others while he was away. He was pretty sure it was considered rude in Human culture to disturb the meals of others, but there were many people from many places at the college, and that convention might not be the same for all of them. Aruna had not yet returned, which he found curious, though he was not worried quite yet.