[quote=Grey] "...Right," Ren said skeptically, slightly raising an eyebrow at the hesitation he caught between the word 'human' and 'the food of...'. It sounded... really, really suspicious. Though he wouldn't hold it against her, it's not like humans were the only race in Uno Mundus. Though there were definitely a multitude he could rule out based solely on appearance - Beastmen, Fae, Angel, a few dozen types of Demon, etc... However, her actions spoke of someone who wasn't really in tune with humans, and that definitely stripped the list of a lot of races. He could count on one hand the amount of possible races he could think of that fit that description. Ren thought to himself, cutting his analysis off, Ren shook his head and checked the time. He was still early enough to stay a while and head for classes. His particular institute of learning started later than others. Though calling it a school would be a misnomer, it was more like a research facility. A research facility full of teens with scientists that double as teachers and some specialized classes to replace the more useless ones. He liked it, since his 'specialized classes' were literal 'social' studies, as well as some wandering. Given how his ability worked, it made perfect sense. [/quote] When Ayrdun's two large meals came along the girl looked more excited by the second, thanking the waiters before turning to her two meals and starting on one. even though she used a knife and fork she still managed to scoff half of it down in only a couple of minutes like some sort of hungry beast, and once she had finished that plate she moved right on to the next almost without stopping. Even after those two meals the bluenette still felt hungry, as great as the human food was she was use to like eating two cows whole and sometimes even bigger. Stacking her plates up she then grabbed the menu and scanned over it again, the girl then remembered that Ren was there as well and peeked up to him with a smile "Oh I'm sorry I almost forgot you were there" She laughed "Love my food. I'm sorry if my table manners aren't the best" She bowed her head a little before returning to the menu to find a last meal for herself.