Jaakuna's words were those of someone who knew what he was talking about. As Karolina took a step back from the couple, Lorenzo would join her. She would give him a rather worried look as Jaakuna would speak to Emiri, though she noticed her husband would not take his eyes off his niece for even a moment. She looked back at Emiri, and the realization began to dawn on her as well. Lorenzo shook his head at Karolina, and the pair would gauge Emiri's reaction to Jaakuna very carefully. Emiri didn't understand Jaakuna's concern at all. Rather, she couldn't help but get frustrated at his lack of understanding. Didn't he see how much her poor father was suffering? It was as if Jaakuna was blind! She couldn't help but scowl, her temperament immediately going south. However, before she could respond, the pain she had experienced in her head returned, and she winced, a hand to her head. Of course Jaakuna wouldn't understand. So long as his father was fine, what would he care about hers? Her power was only okay to use on his, even though it nearly cost her her life. She shook her head, showing Jaakuna a rather disgusted look as she glared at him. However, it was Lorenzo who read Emiri's expression and deduced her thought process first, and would immediately step forward. "[color=f26522][b]Whatever nasty words you have to say, you better think long and hard before you say them, young lady,[/b][/color]" He warned her, his voice uncharacteristically low. "[color=f26522][b]Jaakuna is only looking out for your well being. You'd do well to remember that before you say anything you'd regret.[/b][/color]" "[b][color=f6989d]Are...are you [i]threatening[/i] me?[/color][/b]" Emiri asked, clearly offended. Karolina didn't like where this was going at all. She nervously touched her husband's arm. "[color=f7941d][b]Darling, please, Emiri is distraught. You know this can't possibly be easy on her,[/b][/color]" She told him, already feeling like a fight was about to happen. "[color=f7941d][b]Think of when your own father and mother passed away, I know it was not easy. Look at what even happened to Grant...everyone takes their despair in a different way.[/b][/color]" Emiri gently took Jaakuna's hands off her shoulders, turning towards Lorenzo. "[color=f6989d][b]Honestly...if you have something to say, you may as well say it.[/b][/color]" She said, quirking an eyebrow at him. "[b][color=f26522]Don't think you can tussle with me, little girl.[/color][/b]" He stated with a chuckle. "[color=f26522][b]If you're trying to make me out as a bad guy, then fine. But I'm not going to just stand here and watch you disrespect someone who only cares about you, who just wants what's best.[/b][/color]" "[color=f6989d][b]You know who else was supposed to care and supposedly wanted what was best?[/b][/color]" Emiri asked. "[color=f6989d][b]My mother. And look at the result--years of abuse, and for what? She got exactly what she wanted, and now she's [i]dead[/i].[/b][/color]" At the end of the sentence the pain would pulse through her head harder, and she closed her eyes for a moment. "[color=f6989d][b]It's just too bad it didn't happen sooner.[/b][/color]" Karolina gasped, though her own expression went from worry to mild anger. "[b][color=f7941d]Emiri! You may have had your differences, but I won't tolerate you speaking ill of her![/color][/b]" She stated, placing her hands on her hips. It hurt. It hurt so much, what was going on? Emiri placed both her hands on the side of her head, and for a moment, everything was quiet. And then, it was just...gone. Emiri let out a slight gasp, as if she was just waking up. The realization of her words finally clarified in her head, and she put her hands to her mouth. "[color=f6989d][b]I...Why would I...[/b][/color]" She shook her head again. "[color=f6989d][b]I'm so sorry...I just...[/b][/color]" Lorenzo stayed quiet, though it seemed Karolina was more forgiving. This time it was she who would put her hand on her shoulder. "[color=f7941d][b]I understand. Truly, I do. I know you're upset, I know that you feel helpless and powerless. But please, believe me, anger is never the answer.[/b][/color]" Emiri stayed quiet, though behind her hands, she would smile. No...Karolina was wrong. She didn't understand. She hated her mother, she really was glad she was dead. But for now, it just wasn't worth the hassle. Wait, why was she thinking like this? Her thoughts seemed to conflict with one another, though she felt like it was just a tiny voice in her head egging her on. Her deepest, innermost feelings, the most negative things. In truth, she really did feel that way. Yeah, it was fine. Everything was fine. Papa would be fine. [hr] Grant would nod in agreement. The truth of the matter was that he really did feel the same way, but there was no point in repeating what was already said. That and he was always one more for actions rather than words. Though as he watched Nadeline's face, he couldn't help but roll his eyes. Nadeline herself was on the verge of tears, clearly touched by Wesley's words. She felt like she was falling in love with him all over again, and she was more determined than ever to prove her worth. Taking in a deep breath, she wiped her own tears away and turned back to Ultima, rapier aloft. Sure, the fact that she actually challenged this Esper to a one on one was, oh I don't know, insane, but hey, she wasn't alone. And when everything was over, she was going to make sure that she would never become a burden again. "[b][color=fdc68a]Not today, Ultima.[/color][/b]" Nadeline announced, her determination ringing in her voice. "[color=fdc68a][b]Today, you shall fall to the likes of Nadeline Lenore Roselia of Rozarria![/b][/color]"