[hider=Eaton Cutlery Company] [color=fff200][u][b]Company Sheet[/b][/u][/color] [color=7ea7d8][b]Player Name:[/b][/color] [@Gunther] [color=7ea7d8][b]Company Name:[/b][/color] [color=fff200][b]Eaton Cutlery Company[/b][/color] [color=7ea7d8][b]Location:[/b][/color] Eaton, Kingdom of Raxas [color=7ea7d8][b]Commander & Traits:[/b][/color] Gunnar Løfgren, human, level 1 Militia, Sellsword. [color=7ea7d8][b]Morale:[/b][/color] 2 [color=7ea7d8][b]Reputation:[/b][/color] 0 [color=7ea7d8][b]Gold:[/b][/color] 87g [color=7ea7d8][b]Relations:[/b][/color] +10 Eaton, +10 Raxas Castle, -10 Kingdom of Karnoras [color=7ea7d8][b]Specialist:[/b][/color] Physician, Dr. Wade Fredericksen [color=7ea7d8][b]Company Upkeep:[/b][/color] 2+2+2+2+1+1+25 = [color=fff200][b]35g/turn[/b][/color] [color=7ea7d8][b][u]Mercenaries:[/u][/b][/color] [color=aba000]Commander Name:[/color] Gunnar Løfgren, human, Sellsword [color=0076a3]Class:[/color] Lv 1 Militia [color=0076a3]Feats:[/color] Mountaineer [color=0076a3]Equipment:[/color] Perfect (+3) [color=0076a3]XP:[/color] 50 [color=0076a3]HP/CON/DEX/WIS:[/color] 3(4*)/5(6**)/4/4/2 [i]*+1 HP in Urban (City) Terrain **+1 Con in Mountainous Terrain[/i] [color=aba000]Name:[/color] Bjørn Fisker, human [color=0076a3]Class:[/color] Lv 1 Militia [color=0076a3]Feats:[/color] Brother in Arms (+1 CON) [color=0076a3]Equipment:[/color] Fine (+2) [color=0076a3]XP:[/color] 50 [color=0076a3]HP/CON/DEX/WIS:[/color] 3(4*)/6/3/3/2 [i]*+1 HP in Urban (City) Terrain[/i] [color=aba000]Name:[/color] Seth Bergstrom, human [color=0076a3]Class:[/color] Lv 1 Militia [color=0076a3]Feats:[/color] Berserker (+1 Damage) [color=0076a3]Equipment:[/color] Fine (+2) [color=0076a3]XP:[/color] 50 [color=0076a3]HP/CON/DEX/WIS:[/color] 3(4*)/5/3/3/2 [i]*+1 HP in Urban (City) Terrain +1 Damage[/i] [color=aba000]Name:[/color] Manfred Engman, human [color=0076a3]Class:[/color] Lv 1 Militia [color=0076a3]Feats:[/color] Brothers in Arms (+1 Con) [color=0076a3]Equipment:[/color] Fine (+2) [color=0076a3]XP:[/color] 50 [color=0076a3]HP/CON/DEX/WIS:[/color] 3(4*)/6/3/3/2 [i]*+1 HP in Urban (City) Terrain[/i] [color=aba000]Name:[/color] Pasha Lang, human [color=0076a3]Class:[/color] Lv 0 (Hunter) [color=0076a3]Feats:[/color] N/A [color=0076a3]Equipment:[/color] Fine (+2) [color=0076a3]XP:[/color] 0 [color=0076a3]HP/CON/DEX/WIS:[/color] 2(3*)/1/3/3/1 [i]*+1 HP in Urban (City) Terrain[/i] [color=aba000]Name:[/color] Godfrey Akerman, human [color=0076a3]Class:[/color] Lv 0 (Novice) [color=0076a3]Feats:[/color] [color=0076a3]Equipment:[/color] Fine (+2) [color=0076a3]XP:[/color] 0 [color=0076a3]HP/CON/DEX/WIS:[/color] 2(3*)/3/3/3/1 [i]*+1 HP in Urban (City) Terrain[/i] [color=7ea7d8][b]Stores:[/b][/color] 4 vials Health Potion +1HP 4 vials Medicine +1HP 1 vial Greater Medicine +2 HP [color=7ea7d8][b]Accounting Sheet:[/b][/color] Beginning Balance: 400g Purchases: Hunter Pasha Lang ([color=ed1c24]-10g[/color]) Novice Godfrey Akerman ([color=ed1c24]-10g[/color]) 1 set Perfect Equipment ([color=ed1c24]-50g[/color]) 5 sets Fine Equipment: ([color=ed1c24]-125g[/color]) 4 vials Health Potion +1HP ([color=ed1c24]-60g[/color]) 4 vials Medicine +1HP ([color=ed1c24]-40g[/color]) 1 vial Greater Medicine +2 HP ([color=ed1c24]-18g[/color]) Ending Balance: 87g [color=7ea7d8][b]Company History:[/b][/color] Gunnar Løfgren served ten years as a man-at-arms for King Voldrim at Raxas Castle. Gunnar has always been devoutly loyal to the king and still feels a passion towards the man; a heart filled with respect. He left the service of his King in order to begin his own venture as a private contractor. The King holds no ill will towards Gunnar and is willing to give the Eaton Cutlery Company a contract from time to time. What the King appreciates about hiring the Cutlery Company is that there is no direct connection with Raxas Castle if a hired mercenary performs his dirty deeds. This puts Eaton Cutlery in good faith with the King of Raxas, giving them a positive reputation with the Kingdom of Raxas. Bjørn Fisker, Seth Bergstrom, and Manfred Engman all served as Men-at-Arms with Gunnar in Raxas Castle. They were not in as high a position as Gunnar Løfgren, instead serving under him during various Raxas military operations. The troop of mounted Men-at-Arms they served operated extensively in the forests and mountains west of Raxas Castle as well as Gor's Crossing to the south. The four men are veterans of numerous clashes with the Kingdom of Karnoras. They have a negative reputation with this rival Kingdom. Wade Fredericksen is a drunken physician who fell in with Gunnar about a year ago. Gunnar has saved the wayward witch doctor in more ways than one. Although the Doctor is an accomplished Brewer, Gunnar and company constantly make forays into keeping the mead out of the good doctor's hands and in turn abdomen. Pasha Lang and Godfrey Akerman are a Ranger and a Wizard who are still quite young in their chosen professions and have been hired out just within the past two weeks to help them in pursuit of Company objectives. Their goal is to learn as much about their craft and improve as well as they can. The name, [i]Eaton Cutlery Company[/i] was conceived by Seth Bergstrom, the most talented fighter of the four. Seth's father is an experienced blacksmith in Eaton, equipping the four men in decent gear for their newly found venture. The elder Bergstrom boasts he has made more knives and cooking utensils than swords and armor. He often joked about being the city's craftsman of cutlery rather than someone who makes armor or weapons. It is an oft told joke around the Bergstrom household. When Gunnar heard the story, he thought this was a great name for their company of adventurers; rather than take on some name that might make people believe they were hired soldiers. All six men of the company are natives to Eaton.[/hider]