Allura cursed under her breath, her eyes narrowing slightly as she watched Akira crumble to the ground. Just what kind of power did the necromancer have to completely suppress the demon inside Akira? The mere thought sent shivers down her spine. Allura was brought out of her thoughts as Akira called to her, telling her to stay alert but it was too late. By that time, the necromancer had commanded Hades to attack Akira and rendered her useless by forming some kind of barrier around her. "Let me out of here!" She growled, slamming her staff into the barrier multiple times but to no avail. It wasn't doing a thing and the angel was forced to sit there and watch Akira get attacked mercilessly by the undead man. At one point, she thought that Hades might even kill him but was relieved to see that he was able to resist the necromancer's power to some degree. [color=f7976a]" resist even now. Well if you can't kill him, maybe someone you feel less inclined to help."[/color] Allura watched as he refocused his attention on her. He was going to make Hades attack her, wasn't he? She got her answer as soon as he turned toward her and said: [color=ed1c24]"Ready to die angel?"[/color] Gritting her teeth, the angel gripped her staff tightly in her hand, readying herself for the attack that was about to come. "Allura get out of here!" She heard Akira yell but they both knew that she wasn't going anywhere...though it wasn't like she had much of a choice but to stay in the first place. That was the last thing she thought about before she began to focus solely on the task at hand: making sure Hades didn't kill her. [i]Cling![/i] The sound echoed off the walls as the angel raised her staff to deflect a deadly slash of Hade's blade, jumping back some to avoid another slash. Allura immediately steadied herself before swinging her staff towards Hade's head, watching as he ducked to avoid getting hit; she barely had enough time to move back enough to avoid getting stabbed in the gut but it didn't take her long to go from being on defense to making an offensive move on Hades once more. The fight continued on in this way for a few minutes. Allura would attack and Hades avoid it before counterattacking; then the whole process would start all over again. Just when it seemed as if neither of them would be able to land a hit, the angel managed to maneuver past Hade's defenses and, in that second, swung her staff as hard as she could at his head. However, he reacted to the attack quick enough so that the staff hit him in the arm instead. It must've hurt enough to make him even more pissed off than he was before and he practically roared in anger before growling, [color=ed1c24]"You'll pay for that".[/color] His following attacks were ruthless, each slash becoming more deadly and precise as he worked to stay true to his promise of making her pay for her attack. At this point, Allura could no longer go on the offense; without a sufficient amount of water to cast a powerful enough spell to really make an impact on Hades, she had not other choice but to stay solely focused on not getting her head sliced off by his sword. Every now and then, the blade would make contact with her skin, drawing blood. After one particularly powerful swing of Hades' blade, the force of it knocked the angel off her feet and once she was on the ground, he took the opportunity to pin her there. [color=f7976a]"How does it feel to know that you're about to die?"[/color] The necromancer asked as Hades kicked the staff from her hands and pressed his foot into her stomach, causing Allura to grimace. [color=f7976a]"I hope you find it as exciting as I do. Just imagine taking your last breath, or watching yourself bleed out on the floor..."[/color] The necromancer's tone was disgustingly passionate as he describe serval ways that the angel could die. If she couldn't feel the sting of Hade's blade as if pressed into her throat and, if the circumstances weren't so dire, Allura would have rolled her eyes. The last thing she wanted to do was die while listening to a sadistic necromancer talk to her about how exciting death was. Instead, she stared up at Hades with icy, glowing blue eyes and silently waited for him to finish her off.