Green looked up at Dark Red. "You are right," She conceded, pulling her hand away from the ominously flashing red icon, "We've got a little bit of time before we loose what atmosphere is left. We should check all of our avenues first, before we make things worse. Why don't we split up and look around. I'll stay here on the bridge and look around for more information, something that might be of use... Do you want to try to look for engineering, or sickbay or something? I assume we have those things on this ship." Which ever destination Dark Red chose she would find it easy to navigate her way there, however before she could make it to her destination she would find herself distracted by the sound of pounding. Was that pounding, or was that a depressurized bulk-head about to give away? Meanwhile, Dark Green found that the door was locked, or jammed and couldn't be opened using conventional means. Her sensor eyes were giving her too much information all at one time, making it hard to concentrate, hard to shift through all the raw data bring presented to her. Through it all though, she could tell from the numbers, and from what the HUD told her, that there was limited breathable atmosphere left, and that within an hour her brain would start starving for oxygen. Turning around she would find that she was in a Crypod. The other three beds laid sealed, but nobody rested inside of them. There was little else to the rooms, display screens against the walls the monitored the statuses of the people in the beds, as nobody was in the pods now, the screens were blank and with no working memory to go off of, there was no obvious way to bring them back up and show any information. There was no other door to the sterile, round room, but there was a rather large vent that was supposed to be providing breathable air to this room and other rooms like it. Perhaps Dark Green could get herself to fit through that hatch and make her way to... somewhere else? To do it, she would need to climb up the cryopods to try and reach them. For some reason, she still had gravity on this part of the ship.