Lance yet again was caught off guard, in no time at all it seemed two more people were gone from the building, once of which he was trying to talk to. The somewhat confused boy looked over to the person who had healed him, she said something quietly and began to leave as well, or at least made it seem like she was going to leave. "Uh, wait!" he raised his hand to stop her but he saw she didn't actually move very much. ", what do you think about grouping up..." he looked nervously from her to the door, he would be more surprised now if something else [b]didn't[/b] come barreling through it..."I-I know it's a bit odd...considering what just happened..." he said referring to all the chaos that had surrounded them. "B-but...I would appreciate the alliance..." Lance was still struggling to get the right things to say, all these people approaching and passing them in such...interesting, fashions made him a bit confused on where to continue, it seemed the people heading out were going together, and that meant they were probably already forming a group, of some sort... maybe Lance could team up with this nice person here then they could move on to catch up...if that still seemed like a good idea, it was hard to tell who was actually dangerous around here. People all had a capacity for harm, but also an equal capacity for helpfulness.