Real Name: Yurina Sato Age: 21 Gender: Female Appearance: [img][/img] Personality: The young lady is strong willed, capable of taking care of herself and others around her. When a problem arises, she is the first to try to solve it, and will continue to try until she succeeds. However, because she tries to keep pushing forward, Yurina usually forgets that there is more than one way to solve a problem or look at an issue. Fighting between friends is strictly forbidden to her, as she believes that friends should always be happy, leading to various situations where she tries to keep the peace between two sides. Opinions given to her will be taken with a grain of salt, as she tries to solve all problems on her own. However, her heart is in a good place. She is always so determined to solve problems and do them on their own, not because of arrogance, but because she wants to keep the load off of everyone else, even if it leads to her having the weight of the whole world on her shoulders. History: Yurina is in college, nearly finished with her education. At this moment in time, she has a part time job as a waitress of a fancy french restaurant. The pay and tips from her job don't go to her schooling, but to her secret hobby: animation. She had always wanted to be a part of an animation studio, and was practicing and buying the tools for the day she applied for the job. On her free time, she often goes home to practice drawing and moving 3D figures, utilizing both fields in hope of mastering both of the mediums. She has played a video game once or twice, but couldn't be considered a "gamer" in any stretch of the word. I am a gamer!