[center][h1][color=green]The Chorus and Melody[/color][/h1][/center] [b][i]The rather... complex stuff.[/i][/b] As the spark of energy renewed itself, the pieces of glass shattered to the four winds would again gather. From all the corners of the world, the deepest of the depths and upon the highest peak... at least if your entire world was the lawn in front of the library. Once the pieces had resembled the glass lady was once more. Letting out a noice akin to a hollow yawn her form stretched and twitched with a serious of scraping noises. Putting her finger to her chin she wondered why she had chosen this place and form to sleep... yet she couldn't bring herself to remember it... she did however remember the task assigned to her, it was important after all and everything else... was less so. It was at this point she realized that she was in fact not alone, there was a stranger near her someone with a hollow gaze starring at her and yet not. In fact it was hard for her to even place where the figure was, it was like if he were covered in a thick mist that were everywhere and nowhere at once. When the figure communed with her, it was not with words... but with a song, a composition that rang deeply through her mind and perhaps her very essence itself. She could naught question its origin, because before she knew from whence it came it had soother her curiosity. She replied to this song, with lyrics of her own and yet she didn't understand them at all... it was a language beyond her, yet she spoke it fluently as it resonated within her. When the Figure was satisfied Melody flinched, she were now in the form of a ten or so year [url=http://img03.deviantart.net/8894/i/2010/114/d/3/cute_anime_girl_by_darkfluppi.jpg]Old Girl[/url] and yet she couldn't quite remember transforming into it, she looked around finding nothing at all around her. She couldn't remember much about the thing she had witnessed, it was like if it hadn't even been there to begin with. She had a lingering hollow feeling, like if something had been taken away yet she couldn't place her finger on what it was... she felt famished and soon left for the cafeteria to get something to eat. She didn't change form as she felt tired and confused, instead she picked up a plate and silently sat down to eat, all while she couldn't shake the cold that for a while would linger over her.