Talia smiled a nodded in approval, [color=f9ad81]"Good to see someone who questions things! Usually people just jump at extra pay and ask nothing else. Needless to say, they don't get the job~"[/color] She stated lightheartedly. This time, Gorrak decided to join into the conversation, his tone a little less growl-y this time, [color=c4df9b]"We do take a little portion of your earnings, however it won't cause you any stress about money. We just need it to maintain our connections, equipment and so on. You will not be restricted to a designated hunting spot, nor will you be monitored to that extent, however we do need you to uphold the rules of the forest, which we told you earlier. The Silent Hunters have an annual meeting around this time of year, and as a Silent Hunter, you will need to attend these meetings whether you have anything to contribute or not. As for what else we're involved in, we assist the Ebonknights in keeping Silent Rise safe, however we are not obligated to assists in fighting Screamers, although most opt to help. We take on tasks like culling rampaging animals that threaten the safety of the people. Should the need arise, we will discuss such matters during the annual meetings."[/color] He explained at length. At the point, Talia decided to add her own little piece of information, [color=f9ad81]"We'll also provide you with equipment if need be. We're very much an official Guild rather than a group.. Is there anything else you'd like to know?"[/color]..[color=c4df9b]"Or would you like to tell us if you're in or not?"[/color], Gorrak added on with a slight smirk.