[center][img]http://s21.postimg.org/pp95kwayb/oie_jpg.png[/img] [img]http://s23.postimg.org/uwc04w4mj/cooltext172577144029400.png[/img] [/center] Caden had a day off from meeting with patients. This was a rare occurrence, and one he planned to take full advantage of. He had his sketchpad and pencils with him as he set off on a walk with no destination, just a hope that he would find something interesting to draw. It had been a while since he had been able to take much time during the day for his favorite hobby, so he was reasonably excited. There was a spring in his step as he walked through the streets, eyes constantly searching for a noteworthy sight. He took note of how many people still looked worn-down and depressed, among the many faces he passed, few were truly happy. People had been like this for a while, so it was easy to become desensitized to their obvious lack of joy, but it was still a prevalent issue. Almost everybody around here had issues that could be made so much better even just by talking them out with someone, anyone, but even though in this place people were happier than if they were outside, it was a very lonely place to be. True, Caden had never been outside the walls for very long, but he could not imagine that things got much lonelier than being surrounded by people that you didn't have in-depth, meaningful conversations with. Although things were starting to get better, many residents of the Paradise Lands didn't seem to even trust each other, let alone those outside the walls. There were too many people that needed psychological help, and not enough people to provide it. Caden's train of thought was broken as he neared the gates. He hadn't even come here on purpose, his feet had been on a kind of auto-pilot, his subconscious navigating the area while he was deep in thought. A caravan was entering. Seeing his opportunity, he quickly pulled a pencil out of the left pocket of his trenchcoat, sat down, and proceeded to draw as much as he could before the caravan passed him. Dissatisfied with the result, he turned the page to start another rough sketch of the caravan. However, before he could start drawing, he saw Ravenia Rose take off, and he couldn't resist. Immediately he drew a very rough sketch of her turning into a raven. It was a sight he had not seen very often, and it was quite awe-inspiring. He drew in the background, including the caravan and the guards. He wouldn't finish anytime soon, but the caravan piqued his interest, so he put his pencil back in his pocket and readied to follow the caravan to the market and see if anything worth drawing would happen.