For: Second Academy for Public Dangers Area: Casual Names: Matthew Garcia and Miguel Garcia Ages: 17 (Matthew is older by a minute) Gender: Male Appearances: Matthew is the noticeably shorter of the two by several inches, standing at 5' 9" while his brother stands at 6' 1". Both of them are Asians with black hair and brown eyes. Matthew looks a little more Spanish from their dad's genes, with brown skin. Miguel got more Asian from their mom's genes, with the typical squinty eyes when he smiles/laughs and whiter skin. Miguel has this look of strength about him despite his pudginess, and Matthew has either a blank, absentminded stare or a piercing, probing gaze on his eyes. Matthew grows facial hair while Miguel doesn't, which annoys both of them to no end. Personality: Both: +: Uphold the same moral and ethical standards. +: Loyal to friends. +: Creative where they like to think ~: Curious ~: Nerds/Geeks/They don't care ~: Gamers ~: Amateur critics ~: Easy to anger on the wrong issues. ~: Forgiving, but not forgetful (More so for Matthew than Miguel). ~(Neutral): Confident where their powers are concerned. ~: Eccentric, in their own ways. -: Lazy, but passionate about their stuff Matthew-specific stuff: Personality: Lawful Neutral ~: Hates failure and stupidity. ~: Mentally hyperactive. ~: Writer and reader. ~: Quiet +: Intelligent. +: Analytical. +: Perceptive, even without his powers +: Polite +: High standards of morality and ethics +: Secretly compassionate -: Kind of a dick anyway -: Critical of others' mistakes, and never lets them forget particularly bad ones. -: Loner, except for Miguel -: Sarcastic -: Poor social skills -: Bad at expressing affection -: Dependence on Miguel -: Short-tempered where it counts -: Crosses lines Miguel wouldn't. -: A little depressed Power: Possesses every [url=]power[/url] on this page down to Telepathy, on some level. He is most skilled in Telepathy, able to hold conversations that transcend language barriers without opening his mouth; useful with ESP (Clairgustance, Clairalienence, Clairaudience, Clairsentience, and Clairvoyance) on a moderate level when he can concentrate; struggles with Precognition and Postcognition (and Precognition is obviously the tougher of the two), and Empathy is something that he can't control and is always active like a radar. Miguel-specific stuff: Personality: Neutral Good +: Courageous +: Friendly +: Relaxed +: Funny +: Tries to get Matthew to socialize -: Kind of a troll -: Reckless. -: Easily bored. Power: "Superman"- Simply stronger, faster, tougher, more durable, and more agile than normal humans on a slight level, but enough to be noticed by others. He can't yet run past 30 mph, he can only lift about 2 tons at once, and bullets still do about the same damage, but he will get stronger with age. Matthew theorizes Miguel's power is telekinetic on some level, since some of the heavier weights Miguel has lifted don't break under their own mass when he holds them in the air when they should, among other things inconsistent with physics that his brother makes a reality.