[center][b]A collab between [@Peik] and [@Mortarion][/b][/center] ‘’Dunmer, wake up! Dunmer! Sadri!’’ Cilo was scared. The flin had taken its toll on Sadri, who had long passed out on the duo’s drinking table, and he himself was still somewhat tipsy, for he had recently awoken from his slumber which had accompanied Sadri and the various cups and glasses on the drinking table. Having woken up to hear distant shouting and rabble, he had chosen to buy some food from the innkeeper – only to witness a large group of Argonians outside, shouting, fighting, throwing rubbish around. Not being the sharpest knife in the drawer, and being easily impressionable, Cilo had somehow reasoned that the Argonians were here to get him. ‘’Dunmer! For Arkay’s sake, wake up!’’ And where was our Dunmer, Sadri? Of course, physically, he half sitting on a wooden chair and half slumped on the drinking table he had chosen to accompany hours ago. But his mind was in a trip through memory lane, warped and twisted underneath the restlessness caused by being in the middle of a siege and the influence of flin. Perhaps more than five times, in his dream maze, he had stumbled upon the very bandit who had cut his arm and ear off with a single strike, trying to finish the job. He had managed to escape the bandit when his lost arm, withered through the years spent next to a tree in Leyawiin, and for some reason gigantic, had attacked the brutish swordsman in revenge for its separation from its rightful owner. Somehow, not long after his escape, he had accidentally slipped into a puddle, which had led to a brothel full of his past, present, and future loves. Well, it was hard to call it loves – for Sadri never believed he had truly fallen in love, and in truth, he really hadn’t – but still, the women he had been attracted to throughout his years, the women he was attracted to now, and the woman, [i]the[/i] Woman, the one that most men and some women sought, the bearer of Life, Fertility, Security and Motherhood, were all greeting him, taunting him, all in all playing with him in his odd journey throughout the endless brothel. However, just as he had found the one he had been looking for since his puberty; his dream world had started to shake and crumble. Someone was calling for him. Sadri came to, with Cilo repeatedly tugging his shoulder. The young lad was practically shouting for him to wake up. He was confused. He was hung over. ‘’The fuck do you want?’’ He blurted out with a dry mouth, his good hand looking for a bottle of something liquid. He was thirsty as all hell. ‘’Oblivion’s sake, Dunmer, they’re here! The Argonians! They’re here to get me!’’ With that, Sadri’s world suddenly slid into focus, and he smashed an empty bottle of booze against the table he had been sleeping on. ‘’Get me some water, will you?’’ He implored Cilo as his hazy eyes looked around, trying to find the Argonians Cilo was so afraid of. Tsleeixth shifted on the bed that was in the room that he had rented in Candlehearth Hall. He was having the most particular of dreams, finding himself in -what he thought to be- the Argonian homeland of Blackmarsh, despite the fact that he hadn't been in the region since he was six years old. In this dream world, the Argonian found himself wandering the marshes that gave the nation in it's name when suddenly, he started hearing footsteps. Before he could react, Kamal troopers started to appear in the bog, yet as soon as they appeared the world itself started to crumble around him. Tsleeixth woke startled, as the sound of conmotion started to reach his ear. "Guess the words of the old Argonian got to me more than what I thought." He mumbled to himself, rubbing his forehead as he felt a headache starting to appear. "Guess I better go downstairs, might find someone that might explain to me what the ruckus is all about," he mumbled to himself as he got out of the bed, getting dressed as quickly as he could with only one arm. Once that was out of the way, he made a beeline towards the innkeep, going to ask for some water and food when he ran into a startled Imperial who, before Tsleeixth could utter a word, ran away further into the inn with something in his hands. Perplexed, Tsleeixth decided to follow the young Imperial to try and ask him what was that had startled him so. Following the young Imperial further into the inn, he found the young man speaking to a heavily-scarred Dunmer. [i]''Huh, seems familiar, but I can't quite place were I have seen him,''[/i] thought Tsleeixth as he saw the Dunmer man. Shrugging, he approached the young Imperial man and tapped him on the shoulder with his good arm. "Excuse me, but...why were you so startled when you saw me?" He asked, still perplexed by the Imperial's actions, his eyes shifting from the young man to the seemingly-familiar Dunmer. As Cilo hid behind him, Sadri understood what Cilo was so afraid of – a somewhat scarred, shady looking Argonian (then again, considering Sadri’s past, it was likely he considered every Argonian shady), with one arm injured. It seemed oddly misunderstood and confused – but Sadri was too hung over to understand this, and Cilo was panicking, and rightfully so. The Argonian mob outside seemed pretty angry. And Sadri knew what angry Argonians could lead to. ‘’Back off! [b]I said back off![/b]’’ Sadri shouted as he waved the broken bottle in his hand against the Argonian’s face. Last time he had let one get close, he had been shanked in the gut, and he certainly didn’t want that again. His kidneys were important. Cilo himself pulled out his sword and started brandishing it from behind Sadri, trying to scare off the Argonian. ‘’Go away! Go away!’’ Meanwhile, the argument outside had become quite heated. The Argonians, hungry and pissed off, had finally reached their boiling point, and started throwing things at the guards trying to keep them out of the Candlehearth Hall. First it was a bunch of rocks that took Sadri’s attention, and then suddenly, a much larger object came crashing through the inn’s window – a beaten up guard. It seemed that the Argonians themselves also wanted to get inside, as after the guard, the scaly, mistreated creatures began climbing inside. ‘’Shit!’’ Sadri muttered to himself as he threw the broken bottle at the Argonian in front of him, and grabbed the chair he had been sleeping on a few moments earlier, sending it flying through the window adjacent to him and Cilo. As the cracks of glass and frame burst away from where they had been, Sadri motioned for Cilo to jump outside, and then followed his own advice as the Argonians began entering the inn. No way he was going to let the lizards settle the score.