[center][b][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5hTirrzL5M]Chapter 1: Episode 2 – Seeing is Believing[/url][/b][/center] [hr] The retinue of the House of Ur-Nammu and Nezamnissaries lead by Boluk-Bushi Taskimm departed within the hour, having brokered an agreement with Lucius and Councillor Gisgo after intelligence was acquired from the Chuda girl's interrogation. The information retrieved from Chevalier Lenois was sparse, sporadic, and acquired under near extreme lengths that bordered on malicious torture; however, the valuable information Lucius, Dae, and Councillor Gisgo uncovered proved instrumental in delivering certain factual needs that suited each respective party's interests. The only reason the others hadn't already murdered the Chuda in cold blood stemmed from Councillor Gisgo's resourceful persuasiveness. What they had uncovered from the Chevalier's remarks had only surface several theories that the Prince had only hoped to have come to light. They were pawns in a much larger sphere of cleverly orchestrated events that were not only unfolding before their very eyes, but alluded their ability to affect what was to come. At the very least, they'd managed to discover an inkling of several schemes that had carried weight in ensuring the removal of various influential figures throughout Voltas, Valania Proper, and Ivalis. It remained to be seen if the coming hours and days would expose more conspiracies and political assassinations. Time was of the essence and before Chevalier Lenois could be further interrogated, Lucius' bargaining ensured that the girl's custody fall into Councillor Gisgo's jurisdiction in exchange for her assistance and gratitude for their lives. His poor confidence in the resistance's competence in handling prisoners only further justified his reasons, provoking protests and scorn amongst the surviving Valanians' ranks. A short while later, many of the Valanian resistance leaders offered Augurian prayers after hastily determining the Comtesse de Pompadour's wounds as fatal before silently withdrawing to the Merchant's Quarter. Only a small handful remained at the Comtesse's side where they joined Balthazar in treating her wounds. Lucius remained remarkably silent throughout the minutes that saw the last leaders disappear through the Merchant's Quarter entrance. His genuine words or persuasion had failed to leave a mark that could inspire them into joining his ambitions to assault the Palais and without the Comtesse's input; many chose to cast aside their allegiance to the resistance in the hopes of seeking a new life in Southern Carcassone and away from both Sarife and Valania proper. Balthazar's fiery words that condemned the departing Valanians as traitors certainly yielded no favors in helping Lucius' cause. [i]The resistance was finished[/i] and without the remaining leaders, the fallen Valanian Kingdom and its survival now rested upon the Prince's very shoulders. It was after a short while that he moved to rejoin his comrades around the Palais sewer tunnel entrance. His eyes swept across the assembled group and the collection of personalities and misfit outcasts occupying the sewer walkways. Uriel and Onatha shared qualities that were widely regarded as mere mythical hearsay or legend. It was widely believe that the supernatural did not exist within Carcassonne, much less Altaea. Then there was also Councillor Gisgo, whose ability to accept what the known as a sacrificial ritual called [i]Topheth[/i] lended much more reason to fear and avert Ivalis' wrath. Balthazar and Daedhel had both endured many hardships where only their distinguishable training had kept them alive. Their competence had largely prevented tragedy and defied mortal odds that would've surely lead to the Banquet survivors' demise. Then there was Lord Bahram. His presence seemed to allude conventional wisdom, given his decision to decline following his Sarifen compatriots; however, given the circumstances that had inevitably culminated towards the Château's incendiary collapse, Lucius could not blame the man for wanting to remain as far away from his own compatriots as possible. Treachery lay at every corner and if all other avenues had been exhausted, the man's intentions were at least pragmatic enough to at least elevate the odds of terminating Conqvist's Seer. Still, an odd naggling feeling still troubled the Prince enough to deliver a cryptic gesture towards the slayer-assassin to closely watch the man lest his motives proved deceptive. Without delaying further, his hand curled around the Delacroix Royal Retainer as he furiousy kneeled near the Comtesse's side. The Valanian lady still breathed, yet the bandage wrapped around her waistline told an entirely different tale. Balthazar's involvement with the resistance had bridged close emotional attachment towards his fellow compatriots and their possible dissolution struck a blow to the former retainer's resolve. As Lucius lay near his retainer's side, the towering man shook his head and offered a sigh before directing a piercing gaze in his direction. “My liege,” the retainer began, “Nothing else matters now. I serve you and only you. Tell me what you would need of me and where I should go and I will do as you command.” “I take it you and the Comtesse shared a bed once,” Lucius remarked as he offered water towards one of the remaining leaders as she tended to the Comtesse's paling form. “It matters not now,” Balthazar emotionlessly answered, “Mirabelle is dying and ... I … I have nothing left. My only remaining cause is to assist you in whatever assault you wish to begin ... [i]I will even give my life, should you wish it ...[/i]” “In these dire straights, I would not ask anything of you that may not be necessary,” Lucius remarked as his hand reached towards the unconscious lady's nape where his fingers firmly pressed against her jugular. After a time, his expression lit into a jubilant smile, “Your loyalty is flattering and unmatched throughout Carcassonne, however, I believe the Comtesse du Pompadour has not yet joined Athirat and Yadin-Hamon's kingdom! If you are not opposed, I would ask that you carry the Comtesse and find your way back towards the Commoner's districts. I trust you are traversed enough to eventually reach Seigneur Cœur at his Grainhouse. He will know how to address the Comtesse's wounds once you've mentioned that I've sent you. At the very least, you should at least find yourself considerably out of harm's reach ... [i]if only for a time ...[/i]” “My liege!” the retainer gasped, “I have only heard his name in passing, however, your order has left me without words. [i]You can't possibly ...[/i]” “Go now,” Lucius quietly commanded, “Should this morning prove a success, I hope we will speak again. If not, it was honor to have known you and I trust you will live your life as Athirat and Yadin-Hamon would desire … [i]with our without the Comtesse or what remains of the resistance ...[/i]” “Montjoie Saint Delacroix!” the towering retainer saluted as he gently lifted the laboring Comtesse off her feet to accompany the few remaining Valanian leaders. Both Prince and Retainer shared a firm, almost brotherly handshake before parting ways without ever looking back. “Dae, Uriel, Ona,” the Prince began as he returned to offer a piercing, death defying gaze, “Shed whatever loose weight you may hold and bring whatever light weighted blades and pistols might fit along your waistline. I need not mention how imperative 'tis to remain light footed.” “Lord Bahram,” the Prince addressed, “You inquired earlier about our plans and at this hour, I believe it would seem impractical to breach the front gates, in fact, now is a better time than any to [i]avert[/i] breaching the front gates. There is a much more practical solution to entering the Palais undetected if you aren't against trudging through more filth. Rest assured, we [i]will[/i] enter the Palais without the Crown Watch or the Bastard Sovereign's notice!” Stepping through the opening, the Prince carefully reloaded his pistol before turning to address the remaining retinue, “Ona, we would be in your debt should you still carry strength to offer your wisdom as to how properly staffed the Palais currently appears and where Crown Watch patrols remain absent. Uriel, I will require you by my side alongside Ona should we require a burst in the elemental arts. Dae, Lord Bahram, I would be honored if you would lead onwards through the sewer tunnel paths. [i]We must depart immediately for time is quickly alluding our grasp![/i]” “If I could offer discreet wisdom in this manner,” Councillor Gisgo interrupted as she finished binding ropes and garmented cloth around the venemous looking Lady Chevalier, “Where exactly do you intend to enter the Palais?” “[i][b]Why through our dear Conqvist's outhouse rooms, of course![/b][/i]” Lucius answered with a daring smirk ... [hr] [center][b][url=http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=iqB1yYSkgeo#/176;284]Merchant's Quarter[/url][/b][/center] [hr] Shrieks echoed into the night as elicited screams burst across streets along the noble's quarter and into the vicinity of the heavily manned checkpoint. The ungainly sight of several humanly shadows racing through walls and into the streets proved a curious and unfamiliar sight. This quickly culminated into a deadly affair as the supernaturally odd sights quickly evolved into lives of its own. Through the shadows, the two concealled men watched in abject curiosity as various grey shadows streaked through the garrisoned barrier that sent horses and men scattering in every direction. Cowardice replaced discipline and just as suddenly, order became chaos as swordsmen thrust at nothing while archers' shots and javelins vainly flew in every direction towards the shrieking dark shades. As if matters couldn't worsen, the loud high pitched shrieks frightened the horses after which they stumbled and came crashing down upon their Sipahi rider masters. Soon, the remaining men-at-arms conscripts fled and abandoned their dead and dying comrades to the wolves. Many laid bloodied, mortally injured, and broken due to friendly fire. Several Sipahis wailed from crushed bones and pain of becoming trapped under the sheer weight of their fallen mounts while other swordsmen spasmed into revulsive twitches, having felt the brunt of their panicked archer comrades and various stray arrows and javelins. One particular Sipahi managed to push himself away from his flailing mount only to scream as a shrieking shadow plunged through his chest with alarming ferocity. Within moments, the cavalier's eyes lulled over as he forcefully vomited blood, bile, and innards upon the dirtied streets. Through the carnage and terrifying events, one reality stood above the chaos and it revolved around the now open pathway leading towards where the horse hoof tracks traversed. [i]They followed a series of winding avenues and pathways leading towards the wharf fronts. [/i] A short time later, a large group of disheveled Nezamnissaries and Sarifen aristocrats silently appeared through a large grate hidden some behind the two trackers' location. Upon spotting the two, the arriving Nezams assembled in unison before pointing their muskets towards the men. “Boluk-Bushi Taskimm,” one aristocrat hissed as he carefully a lifeless lady aristocrat to the ground, “If are to reach city dockyards, we must ensure Lady Heurassein's safety. Her munitions will mark the difference between life and death and all will benefit if we avoid armed confrontations, lest we provoke the other Houses and their Paighans.” “Nezamnis, stand down,” the Nezamni orta commander ordered. Several barked orders later, the Nezamnis lowered their muskets as more of their comrades wriggled through the grate. Many appeared wounded, bloodied, and fatigued, having survived through a hellish evening of treachery and mortal encounters alike. Amongst the retinue stood a small gathering of heavily wounded and disheveled Sarifen aristocrats. Groans and coughs from the wounded spilled through their ranks as more climbed through the hidden sewer grate. “[i]Lady Heurassein[/i],” another man hissed as he climbed out of the grate and outstretched his arm, “Please take my hand!” “We do not wish to fight,” the Boluk-Bushi remarked, “We have business elsewhere and our quarrels are not with y...” [i]His words suddenly halted upon his immediate perception of commotions that gathered towards his rear. Deafening shrieks rang out into the night as pulsating shades all converged towards the two bystanders and the assembling survivors with alarming rapidity ...[/i]