[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/aplBTZm.jpg[/img] [b]The Library, Day Two[/b] [sub][@TheHangedMan][/sub][/center] After unpacking his goods the previous night, the Magierprinz fell into a deep sleep. Somehow, he had managed to ignore the party in the library the entire time, preparing himself for his day normally. Having lived in a magical fortress, the sounds of spells being cast and the business of work were normal sounds to Swen's ears, and they failed to bother him at this point. His next class starting in a few hours, the Magierprinz left his room to study in the library. A few objectives were on his mind. Firstly, the nobleman needed to keep up his studies. This academy was apparently rigorous to attend, so he felt some work in his free time would be warranted. Secondly, the Prince intended to attend only the necessary classes, and focus on enhancing his non-grimore based attacks. Later, he would inherit the full grimore of his dynasty, but having some well developed capabilities outside of his book was also desirable. Lastly, a princely heir should work on continuing his bloodline, and in this case the wizard decided that perhaps he should approach an appropriate candidate for the ball. The library was the perfect place to work on all three of these. Studying here would be easy, magical tomes to work with were ready to be found, and for the last part ... ... well, father had warned him that many women these days were airheaded and unsuitable to assist in the running of princely state. Eventually, he found himself searching through a section of the library discussing blood seals, a previously unreasearched topic for himself. After flipping through the pages for a few minutes, a woman his age appeared to approach. She looked exhausted, and most wouldn't consider her as a prime canidate due to the bags under her eyes. The prince realized though that this was likely due to her endevours towards her studies, and hard work was an attractive trait for a spouse who would sit by his side on the throne. Besides, practice courting would be essential for finding a wife in the future. [color=gray]"What brings a lady like yourself here?"[/color] His own eyes looked towards her, searching the similarly aged girl for a reaction. A slight bow in her direction indicated a small amount of respect towards her.