[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/KjQh0O1.png[/img][/center] [center][h1]Kalpia-1921-MARCH[/h1] [b]Massive Earthquake[/b] The Mistburn earthquake has devastated the north west of the country that have left people without homes and parents without children , the eartquake has also damaged the infrastructure of the province and have left around one thousand workers in the ruins on one of the Kalpia factories that gives jobs to the people of Mistburn , the effort to rescue those works is extreme , the parliament have said that they will get out every worker out of the ruins , the Kalpian Unity Party have also manifestated their support for the workers and have start to raise money to help in the rescue and to also help to rebuild the houses of the Kalpian people that have lost their homes , the Kalpian Unity Party have won lots popularity because of this and some say that they will win the elections of 1924 . [img]http://cache4.asset-cache.net/gc/3326430-march-1929-firemen-putting-out-the-fire-at-the-gettyimages.jpg?v=1&c=IWSAsset&k=2&d=W9Eljmdnt0hH8XdDC%2BHH7MV8p%2BAUvBgXhnLQhyLEx3mwtzWj9BswU7rO7Z93scsL[/img] After several days the Workers from the factory has been rescued by the military that arrived just a day later to help with the rescue , the people celebrated the rescue in a scene where the workers met with their families , the first minister gave a speech of solidary followed by a speech of the leader of the Kalpian Unity Party that said that the kalpians are and must be strong , the factory was owned by the Central Manufacturing Bussiness and they expect to repair the factory in three weeks with the help of the Young Kalpians and a subside from the goverment , the workers meanwhile have been extra paid vacations for the three weeks and the wounded more time to be able to return to work. [b]Brimburg Race[/b] The automobile company Ragator have organized a race in the province of Brimburg , the race is long and it has been designed to test the endurance and the reliability of the participating automobiles aswell as the skill of the pilots , the CMB company and the NAI have said that they will participate.The Brimburg Race is open to all companies from neighbouring countries aswell as pilots and the organizers expect it to be regional event in the Peninsula. [img]http://www.wired.com/images_blogs/thisdayintech/2009/11/gaston_chevrolet.jpg[/img] [/center]