The carriage continued to roll towards the palace, there was no way this was real. The strawberry brunette slide from side to side in the carriage looking out each window. No way, NO FREAKING WAY! Her dark blue eyes stayed wide as she looked at the people she rolled by. They all seemed as stunned as she was when they rolled along the path towards the palace. It wasn’t until the gates of the palace opened that the reality set it and Melanie fell back into the seat and stared out the window. “Oh my god…” She muttered under her breath as she took in the scenery of the palace grounds, it was extraordinary and beautiful! Her mouth dropped open before at the sight and she felt the urge to run through the gardens and fall into the bed of flowers. That probably wasn’t the most ‘princess’ of thoughts she should be having now that she has this roll but that didn’t stop her from thinking it. Her head turned to look at entrance to the palace. The place was huge! Again her mouth fell open in complete shock. The footman opened the door and she stepped out lacking grace and pose of a princess gazing directly upwards at the large castle. Sure, she’s lived in the city her whole life but that never meant that she came to the castle. So, as you can imagine her first time there was surprising. “Whoa…” She muttered through her slack jawed surprise. As her head lowered she saw in front of her was none other than… Sir Dalton Longfellow! Upon him stepping forward and bowing deeply to her, she stumbled backwards allowing her back to hit the carriage in surprise. If she didn’t feel out of place already, having the Captain of the Royal Guard bow to her in her white apron and brown skirt with a yellow shirt really showed her this was reality. “You’re… you’re….” She fumbled over her words as she stared straight at him in shock as he stood back up. Her breathe caught in her chest as she looked him in the eyes. He was well-known throughout the country and always drew the attention of the people in the town; especially her friends. They would freak out if they knew that she was standing in front of Sir Dalton, not to mention that was saying he’d be her personal guard. “O---okay….” She spoke in a soft almost squeaking tone.