[u][b]Seras/Mia Collab Post[/b][/u] Seras gazed in slack-jawed horror as Germaine tackled the Gourgeist, dragging it bodily through a pitch-black rift in the floor. For the briefest of moments - having witnessed the earlier explosion in the distance - fear for his wellbeing left her paralysed. Then he [i]transformed[/i]. Germaine's true form was [i]colossal[/i] - at least three times longer than here, covered in chitin and with a monstrous insectoid head devoid of the faintest trace of humanity. All of that was shocking enough in its own right. But worst of all was the eyes. They were the same blood-red, utterly inhuman eyes thad had blazed in the darkness yesterday. And in short order, the same otherwordly screech. It wasn't quite bloodlust. Nothing so human. It was [i]predatory[/i]. She already knew that Germaine stood apart from the other avatars, estranged by untold millenia in captivity. Enough to drive lesser beings mad. But she'd never truly considered how alien Giratina must have been to start with - as removed from humanity as a Gyarados - and why such a being may have been imprisoned in the first place. [i]Has [b]any[/b] other Legendary ever been sealed away like that?[/i] An explosion tore through the street in the distance, rattling her teeth and sending a shockwave through her bones. Tearing her eyes from the portal, Seras rased her guard in anticipation of another hostile Pokemon. But none arrived. For the first time in what felt like forever, the street was silent. [i]Thank Arceus.[/i] She immediately rushed over to Charity, who was groggily pulling herself into a kneeling position on the floor of the float. Bruises and splintered wood covered her torso, while blood oozed from a long gash across her forehead. [b][color=f6989d]You holding in, Charity?"[/color][/b] Charity nodded woozily. [b][color=00a651]"Give me a moment."[/color][/b] Closing her eyes, Charity clasped her hands together as though in prayer. Beneath her knees, the floor in a wide circle around her turned pitch-black, with thousands of moats of lights glimmering in the dark like miniature stars. After a few moments, the stars erupted like supernovas and silver-white light surged across Charity's body. Each of her surface wounds closed over within several seconds of healing - apparently content, she opened her eyes and the Wish faded away. Charity rose to her full height. She still looked as though she'd been on the wrong end of a runaway cart, but she stood tall without wavering and met Seras' gaze with resolute eyes. [b][color=00a651]"Are the terrorists gone?"[/color][/b] [i]Yes, Charity, I'm absolutely fine. Only mildly traumatised. Thanks for asking.[/i] Seras bit her tongue as she spoke telepathically.[b][color=f6989d]"So far as I can tell. The fighting's stopped and nobody else has attacked us, so I assume that any others must have been dealt with by the avatars."[/color][/b] As if on cue, another explosion thundered out from a distance away. [i]Then again...[/i] Seras turned to Charity, voice laced with concern. [b][color=f6989d]"We should probably see if they need any help up there.[/color][/b] Charity nodded grimly. [hr] Seras quietly inspected the bombed-out street, grimly content at what [i]appeared[/i] to be a narrow, hard-fought victory. Granted, the street had been practically [i]annihilated[/i] - strewn with blast craters, shattered pipes and no small amount of rubble - but the assault had broken against them and the avatars were [i]still standing[/i]. Mostly. Alain was just about holding himself upright - despite being scorched extensively and quite frankly battered, he was still healthy enough to care about modesty. That boded well. Another unfaimilar avatar semeed to be managing better - mostly swaddled in a pair of gorgeous ethereal wings that covered her body, but far too bubbly and lively to be seriously hurt. But Rebecca... Seras cheeks flushed as she averted her gaze. [i]Oh. Okay. Wow.[/i] Those burns were a serious problem, though. Grinning at Alain as he burst into another bout of stutters, Mia got her feet once again - the throw hadn't really done much to hurt her anymore, thanks to her wings acting as a nice soft cushion for her. Other than a few added extra scrapes, and a slight wobble to her balance, she was all good! Well, barring the burn on her side, but... meh. While looking down, Mia sighed as she looked at the ruined, singed remains of her dress. It had been [i]so[/i] pretty too. Now what was left was barely covering her up - specifically her "lady parts". [color=turquoise]"I'm okay, but look at the state of this dress! I bought this in Unova too, so I won't be able to get a replacement."[/color] She complained, wrapping her wings back around her body to cover herself up somewhat. [color=indianred][i]"Mia, darling, I'm sure we can get you another dress. Another torso however, is harder to find. Perhaps get some help?"[/i][/color] Scarlet looked at her impatiently, wondering why on earth her trainer was so difficult at the most awkward of times. The girl would complain about blood on her skirt if she'd been stabbed in the heart. [color=turquoise][i]"Oh, it's not that bad! Besides, I'm sure there are people that need help more than me - like her, for instance."[/i][/color] She replied silently to her Ninetales, noticing a fairly disturbed looking girl trudging towards them, an absolutely [b]stunning[/b] Gardevoir in tow. After a moment, Mia recognised her as the Diancie Avatar who had let forth the gorgeous fireworks from before... except she had looked far happier on her float. A bright smile lit up on Mia's face, in the hopes of making this girl feel better. [color=turquoise]"Hey there! I'm so glad to finally meet you - I thought your fireworks were awesome!"[/color] Mia announced herself cheerfully - she would have walked over, but standing still was somewhat of a chore at the moment, let alone tripping over her feet while attempting to take steps. [color=turquoise]"Of course, with such a talented Pokemon, it would be hard for them to have fallen short."[/color] She added with a laugh, offering up a smile to the Gardevoir. Scarlet regarded the pair quite primly, sizing them up as they approached. Seras offered a weary smile in return, her mood softening at the excited praise. [color=f6989d]"That's lovely to hear, especially from another avatar,"[/color] she replied softly. She briefly gestured at Charity, whose face was etched with concern as she stared at Rebecca. [color=f6989d]"That was our first time performing together outside of trial-runs. It's a shame that we were cut short, but I'm sure you would have shone similarly if we hadn't all been interrupted."[/color] Charity knelt anxiously beside Rebecca, eyes closed as she conjured another Wish. As the celestial light flared across her body, each of her recent wounds begun to heal - while her older scars merely took on a slightly lighter tinge, her burns faded into smooth patches of unblemished skin. Charity's scowl remained fixed. [color=00a651][i]"I can mend the surface damage easily enough, but there's much deeper injuries - maybe broken bones, maybe organ failure, maybe both and more. She won't bleed out or hemorrhage, but that's the best I can promise. She needs medical attention."[/i][/color] Seras nodded in response. [color=f6989d][i]"At worst, we can teleport medical personnel here without needing to move her. She's an avatar - she won't die on us without a fight."[/i][/color] Content for the time being, she returned her attention to the new avatar. [color=f6989d]"My name's Seras - avatar of Diancie, as you might have guessed. Does anyone else need urgent medical attention, or should we work our way through the crowd?"[/color] Shrugging her shoulders at Seras' question - wincing ever so slightly at the movement - Mia considered her options. She would have liked to go back to her hotel to get a change of clothes, maybe get some food... but obviously, as Seras said, there were many out here that needed attention more than herself. [color=turquoise]"Oh... I'm not sure. Maybe go through the crowd? I'm sure there's plenty of people we can help - or, at the very least, try to."[/color] She suggested; at this point, Scarlet rolled her eyes, turning her gaze towards Charity as Mia talked. [i][color=indianred]"Mia is injured herself. The foolish girl prefers to keep these matters quiet, but she can't help others without taking some herself."[/color][/i] She mentioned quietly to Charity - not wanting Mia to hear. Otherwise she'd just whine. Meanwhile, Mia was introducing herself with a bright smile. [color=turquoise]"I'm Mia Vantas - Avatar of Reshiram. It's a pleasure to meet you!"[/color] At this, the air around her suddenly lifted. Almost as if they weren't standing amid chaos, explosion craters, dead bodies and the cries of the injured - the air grew warmer and even lighter, and an aura spread an affectionate, loving glow around the immediate area. Even a contented smile was seen to drift lazily across the unconscious trainer's face. Seras felt the woman's aura pass through her like a balm. The sensation reminded her of Charity - a comforting embrance from all directions, full of warmth and reassurance. Her shoulders slumped as the day's tension melted away, welcoming the aura's effects without resistance. [i]Heaven knows, we all need it today.[/i] Charity visibly slumped in relief too, like a taught spring being released. She rose from Rebecca's side, glancing over at Seras with a strange expression - smiling gently, but with a sombre note in her eye. [i][color=f6989d]"What's the matter?"[/color][/i] Charity paused, as though searching for words. [i][color=00a651]"I'm just glad you're safe, that's all."[/color][/i] [i][color=f6989d]"You too. No fainting on me again, you hear?"[/color][/i] She offered a grateful beam towards Mia. [color=f6989d]"Much appreciated," she smiled fondly.[color=f6989d]"I'm sure that you'll be just as welcome as Charity after a disaster like this."[/color] Charity offered a quiet nod towards Scalet before extending one hand, casting Wish on a patch of ground next to Mia. Although Mia could choose whether to step into the healing circle or not, the stern maternal glare that Charity offered her was enough to convey her expectations of Mia in full. [color=turquoise]"Well, it's the least I can do."[/color] Mia replied quiet modestly - and honestly. She didn't have any particularly positive powers other than her innocent little flames, and her aura. Which, as it happened, occured subconsciously most of the time. As the days and weeks would go on, anyone in her presence would just feel content for most of the time, unless extremely extenuating circumstances were going on. Or, if she was feeling under the weather - although these days were few and far between, she did have them occasionally. Whether they were lingering symptoms from her illness or not, she didn't know. But she didn't enjoy those days. Mia was shook from her less than positive thoughts as Charity cast some sort of move on the floor, motioning for Mia to step in it. From what Mia could remember of Gardevoir's moves, it was most likely a healing circle... which meant that she was showing her pain more than she thoughts. Or... [color=turquoise]"Scarlet's been telling on me again, hasn't she?"[/color] She sighed, shaking her head at her Ninetales - who just so happened to be licking her paws, staring off innocently into the distance. Seras grinned at Mia's exasperation. [color=f6989d]"I'm afraid that I'm not at liberty to say."/color] Stepping into the circle, Mia sighed with relief as a balm washed over her. Stronger than hers - it wasn't just a lift in mood, but in spirit and body. The pain from her side vanished, and upon looking, her body was free from all of her scrapes, and the burn had pretty much vanished, leaving behind pink, fresh skin. The light around her from the circle vanished as it had finished it's job, Mia took another quick look at her newly healed side, and then directed a sweet smile towards Charity. [color=turquoise]"Thanks sweetie. I needed that more than I wanted to say."[/color] She said with a grateful chuckle. Scarlet had now stopped acting all innocent and was nuzzling Mia's hand quite softly, glad to see her all healed up. She would have a rant about her foolish acts later, but things had to be done first - and she was now looking certainly more favourably on Seras and Charity, sending a quiet "thank-you" to the latter. From there, things got a little... hairy. Following the entrance of the very cheerful Tantalus, and his examination of Rebeca, a Rhyhorn appeared out of nowhere, wanting to cause trouble. Scarlet sighed wearily as she stepped before Mia, stopping her from moving forwards. [color=indianred][i]"We'll stay out of this one, Mia dear. I'm sure your new... friend, can handle the situation."[/i][/color] Although the word "friend" was said distastefully, Scarlet's glare and tone was quite final; Mia would be in plenty of trouble if she decided to step in now. Figuring Scarlet was right - although not appreciating the order - Mia moved out of the way of everything that occured. And as it happened fairly fast, there wasn't much to do anyway. [color=turquoise]"Wow... he looked super angry."[/color] Mia mumbled to Seras and Scarlet as he attacked the Kabuto, and then left the scene. His Mawhile hung around their little group, seemingly quite confused at the whole thing. [color=turquoise]"Well then... shall we follow him? Or maybe get some clothes?"[/color] Mia asked Seras, a happily oblivious smile resting on her face. The girl didn't find sorrow or discomfort in much, that was for sure. Scarlet rolled her eyes with irritation at Mia's naivety, only for her red robs to land on another newcomer... As for Mia's wardrobe malfunction, that was happily seen to by the new man... an extremely curious [i]dark[/i] individual. Naturally, this piqued Mia's attention as he arrived, first draping his coat over the very naked Rebeca, and then turning his attention to herself - taking his shirt off and throwing it to her. [color=turquoise][i]"My Scarlet... he's not bothered about being topless nearly half as much as Alain...[/i][/color] She sent the thought quite silently to her Pokemon, but even the Ninetales could notice the way Mia's gaze lingered on the man. Whether it was due to her simply odd infatuation with the darkness, or if the male's body aroused something in her, Scarlet - and perhaps even Mia - did not know. As the man stalked off once again, Mia slipped on the shirt (Quite thankful for it - her dress was ready to give way at any moment), and her wings faded from existence. Now, she looked somewhat normal, if one were to disregard the soot and various marks on her skin, and the shirt that hung well to her knees and completely covered her hands. First glancing at the unconscious Rebeca, and then back to the carnage surrounding them, Mia turned to look at Seras. [color=turquoise]"Well, we can't help Rebeca, but we can still stop people from getting hurt even more. Let's go and see if anyone needs a sample of our super powers - and then perhaps find a hotel or something. I'm starving!"[/color] Mia said with a cheerful laugh, and beckoning towards Seras, Charity, and Apate, Mia took off running away from the crater. Scarlet's eyes narrowed in exasperation, and with a quick, impatient yap to the three that remained, followed her childish trainer. She did enjoy wandering off...