[center][color=firebrick][h1]Gabriel Davidson[/h1] [h2] Obstacle Tower [/h2][/color] [sub] Interacting with [@Vicier][/sub][/center] [color=IndianRed][i] “Oi, try not to over-think things too much, okay..? Oh, and don’t worry, if you’re anythin’ like your brother is, Gabe; then I know you and I are gunna be the best of mates.” [/i] [/color] [color=firebrick] Gabriel smirked at Ky's reassurance, "Thanks, Ky," Gabriel replied, "I'll try not to." While Gabriel was plenty nervous about partaking on his first quest, he was also genuinely excited. The idea of going on a grand adventure to help save a friend's life sent shivers of eagerness down his spine. He couldn't wait to start this quest, but Gabriel needed to remember to keep his enthusiasm under check; over-eagerness could lead to rashness and mistakes. [/color] [color=deepskyblue] [i]Hello brave adventurers! Hope I'm not interrupting anything important but Gabe, Syleste had some things to say to you.[/i] [/color] [color=firebrick] Gabriel was brought back to his sense when Charlie spoke to him. [i]Syleste?[/i] Gabriel's hear rate steadily sped up. He then wondered how obvious it was that he had a crush on her. His dog, Sparta, started wagging his tail as he saw Syl. Well, at least he approves. "H-hey, Syl. I guessthis is some serious stuff with the dove and all. I wasn't expecting to go on this quest, though. I guess this is one way to be taught the ropes, huh?" Gabriel released a small chuckle at his lame joke. He cleared his throat before continuing, "So u-um, Charlie said you wanted to tell me something?" [/color]