[hr][h1][i]3:01 PM, July 27th, Monday.[/i][/h1][hr] The sun was shining in this city, as there was a celebration taking place that was known nationwide. The Day Of The Rivière Festival! The celebration of the city being founded. From several different quarters of the Inner-Ring, a parade was going through the streets of the city. And where the parade wasn't, the streets were closed off as several stands and whatnot were being placed. The streets were full of families from all over, observing the scenery, dancing, and eating. The place was full of fun. There was also a heavy NEST presence within the celebration, along with police presence. Just to preserve order in the event. However, once the neon lights come on, the celebration will take a whole new light. [hr][h1][i][color=Darkorange]Jessica Rosefey[/color], [color=lightseagreen]Diana Lucker[/color], & [color=Skyblue]Wendy Lucker[/color].[/i][/h1][hr][hider=Yes - Roundabout][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Tdu4uKSZ3M[/youtube][/hider][hr] "... [i]I will remember you, your silhouette will charge the view![/i]" Jessica sung along with the song as she was driving through the tall hills that lead to New Rivière City. Well, at least according to this thingamajig GPS! They were no more than half an hour away from the city. Fortunately, Texas wasn't that big of a distance from Louisiana. The pain in the ass was getting up to Ohio. Thank God Jess' Daddy was understanding about their little quest - and allowed her to borrow the RV. Or else they'd be in trouble. Though, this whole road trip was awfully gloomy. No one was talking or saying anything! While driving, Jessica quickly turned her head back and got a glance at her two "travel buddies." Wendy, of course, was sitting at the table, reading a book. Jessica couldn't get a good eye as to what she was reading, but the youngest of their group (And potentially the most powerful) was all set reading her book. Diana was sitting at the sofa (which was next to the window)... Smoking a cigarette, and blowing the smoke out the window into the street. "Hey, Diane!" Jessica was quick to shout at her. "What did I say about smokin' in my Daddy's RV!?" She said, her Texan accent was thicker than usual. The short-haired blonde rolled her eyes up into her head. "[i]Puh-lease,[/i]" Diana started off. "You refuse to stop at a rest stop, and it's been [i]hours[/i] since the last time I had a light, so gimme a break for crying out loud." Diana was quick to complain. "She's right, you know." Wendy said - for the first time in [i]hours[/i]. Actually putting her book down - which was less of her reading for fun, and more about her gathering information on their destination - to speak. "We're going to get cancer from all this second hand smoke at this rate." "What?" Diana scoffed, "You takin' her side now?" "No," Wendy answered. "I'm just tired of smelling cigarette smoke while I read." "Well, that's hard since you're always reading..." "... And you're always smoking." "Hey, ladies, ladies, ladies," Jessica was quick to chime in on their "conversation" (I.E bickering) just so she doesn't have to hear their back and fourth all the way there. "I thought you girls would be more excited about our little trip to New Rivière... Especially since we're super close, and today's gonna have that festival where the girls flash their titties! Whasit' called...?" "First; [i]ew.[/i]" Wendy was the first to chime in - utterly repulsed by the idea of women flashing their breasts. "Two; it's the [i]Day Of The Rivière Festival[/i]. Where people celebrate the day this city was discovered." "Yeah that!" Jessica said. "By drinkin' and fuckin' each other nonstop." Diana sarcastically added, a wry grin formed on her face. "I doubt that kind of place is appropriate for a kid like you, Wen...." She spoke a little more seriously there as she spun the cigarette in between her fingers. "Um, no." Wendy corrected her, the sarcasm going over her head. "That's only the tourists - the [i]slutty[/i] ones - it's actually all about the parades, food, and costumes. People only flash each other at night...." Wendy shrugged. She reached off to the side, grabbing her satchel which contained her camera. She pulled it out for a moment and examined. While they were only coming here for business, Wendy was looking forward to taking some shots with her camera. After looking at Wendy, Diana felt the need to remind the group of [i]why[/i] they're here. "Girls... don't forget [i]why[/i] we're here..." Diana was quick to note. "We ain't here to fool around in some stupid circus - we came to find Liv and stop her before she does something stupid." "Yeah, I know, I know...." Jessica shrugged. "But who's to say that we can't enjoy the city for a bit?" "Remember, if my sources are correct, that psycho-crazy bitch is there, too - and we don't want nothing to do with [i]that.[/i]" Diana explained, and the two other girls were quick to explain. "The [i]whole[/i] Academy was fighting her goons last time. Even with Liv, there's only four of us, against them. Now that sound like a fight we can win...?" "Sounds pretty fun, though." Jessica was quick to say, following it with hearty laughter. "Yeah, I agree with Diana.... For once." Wendy said. "Leave her to NEST, or whoever else she pissed off." The last person any of them wanted to fight was Amethyst. She was powerful as she was vicious. "We'll just ask around until we find Liv, get out of here and let Amethyst do whatever the hell she wants to, and then we can [i]maybe[/i] have this super-duper-fun Roadtrip you were talking about, Jess." Diana added. "Alright, alright..." Jessica once again shrugged. "We're here anyway." They were too busy conversing to realize that they had entered New Rivere. The Outer Ring, in fact. It sure as hell didn't look too inviting to tourists. Because they had entered the ghetto. "Soooooooooo...." Jessica said. "Our best bet in finding Liv is asking around, yes?" "Yeah. If she's asking around, then we'll ask around, [i]someone[/i] must of seen her." Diana said. "And there ain't no way in hell that she can beat the three of us - 'specially not you, Jess." Diana added. "...So why don't we head to the festival?! It's where Liv would have gone!" Jessica triumphantly said. Diana sighed. "Alright, then. Let's have some fun at the festival for a bit... Liv wouldn't have passed up the chance to go there." Maybe they can find some crooks who Olivia asked. Though, she was getting a little excited for this whole festival event. After thirty more minutes of driving, the group found themselves in the thick of the festival. The worst part was finding a parking spot that'd fit an entire RV - But, they found everything they needed, and found a parking spot on the outskirts of the festival. The trio got out of the RV - Wendy being the first off, and snapping a picture of the area. Making Diana roll her eyes as Jessica simply got off the RV and put her hands on her hips. "Okay!" Jessica said. "This place looks fine and dandy - but as Diana said, we gotta look for Liv." "We'll cover more ground if we split up," Diana was the first to say. "Me and Wen will go one way, Jess, you go another." "That's fine and dandy - I'll be draggin' Liv back." Jessica said as she tipped her hat. The girls went their separate ways. [hr][h1][i][color=Seagreen]Olivia Katelyn Verde[/color][/i].[/h1][hr][hider=Heartless Bastards - Blue Day][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1UmisfUiGmM[/youtube][/hider][hr] This was a stupid idea... It started out a stupid idea... ...and it's sure as hell going to end that way. Olivia's motorcycle raged as she drove closer and closer to her destination: New Rivière City. She heard it was a nice place - if only she could have visited this place under better circumstances. Right now, she was on a mission. She knew exactly where she was going to go - but she'll have to be quick, and quiet. There's some people on her tail (Particularly NEST), and she'll need to think about how she was going to stay out of their way. Like hell she was going to let the bitch who killed her boyfriend off freely like that. Since it appears that no one else gives a shit, then it's up to Olivia to pick up the slack. A few sources she had told her that her target was here in the city. Which meant that Olivia was going to do all in her power to stop the bitch before she hurts anyone else. Though, New Rivière was a big City, which had plenty of people. Though, Amethyst was most likely not the one who'd keep herself hidden for long. Especially with the criminal underworld keeping an eye out on everything of note (Metahumans especially). Hitting a bump, Olivia bounced upwards, before she started smoothly riding her way through this new and unfamiliar city of hers. For starters, she would need to find someone who has their ear to the criminal underworld. Someone who can at least point her in the right direction.... which was going to be much harder than it sounds. Olivia picked up speed. For now, she was going to enjoy this city, and everything it has to offer, just for one day. Allowing herself to subtly gather information on the city before she acts on her target. Hey, sounds like that NEST Agent daddy of hers is starting to rub off. There was this big festival going on downtown. She heard all about it from TV. It was going to have all sorts of food and people. Hey... she always wanted to go here, but her father never allowed her, calling it a "day of debauchery" that no girl that respects herself should go to. That seems like the perfect place to start - if Amethyst isn't already there. Olivia picked up speed as she crossed the bridge into the Inner-Ring. Having little idea of the layout of the city, Olivia had to rely on asking for instructions, and found the festival. It was easy finding a parking space... on the outskirts. Nothing like a good walk to warm her up.