Light, or otherwise known as Toon Girl to those who didn't know her, often spent her time in the living quarters of the tower. She was usually seen playing some sort of game with someone or watching TV, was passing the time clicking through channels looking for something to watch when the fire alarm went off. Jumping out of her seat at the sudden loud noise, Light tumbled to the ground, landing on her side. Getting to her feet, she looked around the room to figure out what was going on until she noticed the smoke coming from the kitchen. Sighing to herself, she made her way to the kitchen. Poking her head through the doorway, she saw Nova messing around with the stove attempting to cook again, putting out whatever he was attempting to cook in the sink. [color=lightblue]"I am not eating what he burnt this time. Not after when he tried to make 'waffles'."[/color] Light said to herself, visibly shaking in terror. Unfortunately there wasn't much she could do with the huge plume of smoke causing the fire alarm to go off, so she was hoping one of the others could do something about the situation. Pulling out a small music device from her dress, Light rested herself against the back wall of the kitchen, making way for the others as she began to listen to some music to try to drown out the alarm. Of course she wasn't really paying too much attention to where she was standing, what with a shelf above her with precariously placed pots and pans and whatnot. Hopefully one of the more 'stompy' members of the team didn't disrupt them in the commotion...