Name: " The Golem" Raiden Yashia Age: 40 he looks to be mid 20s Birthday:  June 1st Magic: Earth make Magic Level: once retired s rank but he considers himself A rank History: Raiden Yashia use to be feared as a protector of his small remote village taking the magic his family has always been taught. He gained the title "the Golem" when he fought off a dark guild from destroying his village and try to still their secret line of earth make magic. When he was in his late teens he married his child sweetheart how beared her "curse of darkness" as she calls it. She had it under control until she had her first daughter who now shares the fate of the magic her mother fell victim to. When raiden was in his late 20s He didn't just lose his wife to death but he also lost his daughter.  He kinda lost it and went into a hibernated state hidden in the woods becoming "stone" allowing his earth magic to hide him from the world as it was his way of grieving to the loss of his wife and daughter. He stayed in his stone state for five years till a cry of help awoke him. Finding that cry to be from a young woman who in several years became his second wife and gave him a son Ryu yashia. It was here in recent years that he heard rumors of a darkness user that fit his dead daughter's description. Him and his wife decided a split would be good so he could pursue this rumor and so his son and him could travel. Personality:  when someone first meets him he has a very intimidating stature for being seven foot with a massive stature of big bone and muscles from his bloodline. But when one gets to know him he is a big teddy bear when it comes to kids but tick him off there will nowhere on earth you can hide. Guild and guild mark location: (If in a guild) Team Members: Ryu Yashia Three Strengths: (Not just combat) 1. He is a excellent cook and contractor with his earth make 2 he is a big teddy bear that somehow isn't scary to kids 3. When his mind is set on a goal...good luck getting him to detour from the idea Three Weaknesses: (Make them Applicable) 1. The wellbeing of his children and those who mean a lot to him. If they are in danger he will stop and do what he must to save them 2. Horrible cleaning lady 3. He is bull headed so sometimes when he is set on something he loses sight of the world around him Greatest Love: to protect the world and those in it Motivation: the possibility to see his daughter again Appearance: [img][/img] Additional Details: Rose's father Name: "The keeper of the forest" Ryu Yashia Age: 11 Birthday: April 6th Magic: wood/plant make Magic Level: b History:  Ryu is the only son of Raiden yashia. He learned some of his family's magic but it never really took until a traveling merchant caravan came to their village. He learned about his magic from a old man that decided to remain in the village. Ryu worked hard to become the old man's apprentice when he saw the plant life forming to the man's will. He only got to spend two years as the Elder's apprentice till death came for the old man. It hurt Ryu deeply to lose his teacher and as a result He kinda lost control at the young age of 7. Luckly, his father had managed to get Ryu to snap to reality but as a result raiden received very near life threatening injuries that had him bedridden for a good year. This woke Ryu up that magic wasn't a toy and he worked hard to learn to control himself in battle as he vowed he wouldn't lose it like he did. Personality:Ryu isn't the most talkative boy and prefers to be silent and not noticed. He Is q wall flower that feels if he doesn't get attached to anyone then no one will be harmed that he cares for.  When one does get to know him he is actually a lively boy that prefers to Care for plants and nature whether then be into society. Guild and guild mark location: (If in a guild) Team Members: Raiden Yashia Three Strengths: (Not just combat) 1. Ryu is very in tune with his element. Giving him an advantage when fighting in a wood environment 2. Ryu loves to play his flute as he loves the melody it gives 3. When he is in battle he is focused on disarming his opponent into defeat without trying to hurt them Three Weaknesses: (Make them Applicable) 1. Ryu is unfortunately OCD about his room and stuff in making sure everything is a certain place and way along with having to have six of everything. 2. He can't stand those who want to hurt the forest or waste good woodland 3.he hates ice and cold conditions he would whether be in a warm alive forest then a dead icy one. Greatest Love: protecting the plant life Motivation: to see a beautiful peaceful woody world Appearance: [img][/img] Additional Details: Rose's half brother