[center][URL=http://s33.photobucket.com/user/pompom91/media/MaxWallenberg_zps534630e8.png.html][IMG]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d87/pompom91/MaxWallenberg_zps534630e8.png[/IMG][/URL][/center] Sitting up straighter in his bed as he read the last few lines of Killer by Jonathan Kellerman, Max closed the book and threw it back on to his nightstand. He shrugged and stretched his arms up in to the air as he wondered why that book belonged on the New York Times bestseller list. He ran his hands through his hair a couple of times before he decided to jump out of bed and get dressed. [b]Is wearing a tie when arriving to private school a bit to pretentious?[/b] Max thought as he stood looking at his reflection. He decided to keep it on just to please his father one last time before he left. Before he headed downstairs he checked his twitter feed on his phone and smiled as he read the small night tweet from Wren. He typed a tweet to reply to her. Max Wallenberg @wallenburger @wrenegade you should try Twilight it’s pretty HORRible #punny At the Wallenberg breakfast table there wasn’t much talking going on at all, there was just more of an awkward tense feeling hovering in the air, which is not how a family breakfast should be. The reason for this is that the Wallenberg children to be completely honest scared of their father Peter. For good reason too, Peter Wallenberg was almost as wide as he was tall and he just commanded a room when he walked in to it. Growing up with him as his father had left some deep scars for all the siblings, Max had tried to remedy this now that he is older; he cleared his throat as he stared at the back of the newspaper that his father always had in front of him at the breakfast table. [i]“If you have something to say, spit it out Max.”[/i] His father grunted, [i]“Well since I’m leaving today, someone has to take Elin to her dance recital and mother can’t drive, maybe it would be nice if you could take her?”[/i] Max turned towards his younger sister to see her almost choking on her waffles wide eyed, he winked at her. His father folded his newspaper and stared at Max from behind his thin rimmed glasses. [i]“Max, you know very well that I do not have time for something as trivial as some dance recital. When she graduate as an honor student then we’ll talk.”[/i] He flicked the newspaper up and disappeared behind it again. Max wanted to retort but seeing his sister hang her head and poking at her plate made him bite his tongue, he gave her an apologetic look and she shook her head. Max scoffed and stood up and started to say good bye to his siblings and his mother, before he left he turned to the newspaper and said [i]“You know I’m graduating this year right? You can swing by if you want to!”[/i] He grabbed his bag that was lying at his feet and started to walk out, his mother yelled after him [i]“Max nu håller du dig I skinnet!”[/i] Max smiled sheepishly as he walked out of the huge house. The navy blue truck had been packed the night before so that the trip would go as fast as possible; Max jumped in and started the four hour ride towards Caelbury. The drive went by relatively fast, but Max was really glad that he finally got to drive up and park at his parking spot right in front of the main building. Getting the keys and all the information he needed was a mild annoyance since it was full of freshmen trying to show that they belonged by being here early. When he finally got his room key and the folder with all the important papers Max headed over to the dorms. He unlocked the door and opened it slowly; he spotted James on the sofa and cracked a smile [i]“Hey! McNamara, didn’t we hit the jackpot eh?!”[/i] --- [center][URL=http://s33.photobucket.com/user/pompom91/media/JulieScott_zpsab7ca6b7.png.html][IMG]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d87/pompom91/JulieScott_zpsab7ca6b7.png[/IMG][/URL][/center] Julie sighed in relief when she saw that Wren took her outburst in a good way, she smiled at her and fixed her hair looking down at her skirt that still had some damn powdered sugar on it! Julie tried to brush the remnants of this morning’s doughnut cavalcade. She didn’t want Wren to know that she was a waitress and she also didn’t want her to mistake it for some other white powder. [i]“Oui, il est vraiment merveilleux nouvelles! But you’ll have to work on you enunciation.”[/i] Julie chuckled [i]“And yes I’ll bet we’ll have a really great time!”[/i] Noticing a slight pause in the conversation Julie turned around to see what had caught Wren’s attention and saw him James McNamara, she rolled her eyes when she saw the way he walked with his guitar slung nonchalantly over his shoulder, and was he wearing thick rimmed glasses? [b]They probably don’t even have any strength in them[/b] Julie thought and scoffed as she turned back to Wren. [i]“Oh, yes well I’ve been here for a couple of days already… I had to… uhm register for extra courses!”[/i] Julie lied as Wren grabbed her by the arm and proceeded up the stairs to the girl’s wing. As the girls walked through the hall they chit chatted about their summer [i]“Well my summer was pretty good, me and my dad were going to go to Italy. But it fell through because dad couldn’t really afford… to take time off.”[/i] She felt herself getting flustered, for some reason she still felt ashamed of her father’s economic status. Deep down she knew that she shouldn’t care what people thought but being back here made her feel lesser already, add on to that her roommate who came from money that Julie had never ever even seen. She cleared her throat hoping that Wren didn’t notice her bad save. Julie laughed as Wren apologized about being too excited [i]“Don’t worry about it! This place always evokes feelings in me that I can’t keep in either!”[/i] Julie enthused as she put the key in to the door, when the door opened it revealed what looked like a small penthouse. [i]“Well I guess you’re used to this by now, it’s the standard CA dorm. And I hope you don’t mind but I picked that room”[/i] She said and pointed towards the room located on the left side of their apartment. [i]“Anyway the apartment has been inspected by Acacia so everything should be in order!”[/i] Julie said and sat down on the big white sofa. [i]“Maybe we can go walk around the courtyard when you’ve gotten unpacked, get to know each other you know?”[/i] When Wren got back from unpacking Julie stood up and opened the door [i]“Did you want to come for a walk?”[/i] she smiled at her new roommate and stepped out, then she heard a familiar deep accented voice. Julie turned around and saw the big bear of a boy she knew as Vlademir Kalkovich, she lit up and grinned [i]“Vlad! Как ты был?!”[/i] Julie had to stand on her tippy toes to reach up to him as she hugged him.