[b]Name[/b]: Dominic 'Don' Harvey [b]Age[/b]: 27 (just turned) [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Appearance[/b]:[img]http://i.imgur.com/dAhrCZs.jpg[/img] [b]Personality[/b]: His been very different depending on his age. Until he was 18, he was probably the closest thing to a saint that you could get.Very kind, generous and also very spiritual and his always volunteered at animal shelters with his mother, loving animals of all kinds... When his mother who was basically all the family he had died, so did his spirituality. He changed a lot. He was still often social, usually the one to get everyone to laugh at parties he and his friends would often frequent. Speaking very sarcastically often for humor sake, he was still very chivalrous toward women and treated them with utmost respect, as his mom meant the world to him. Though far more rough around the edges, as he was very aggressive toward other males, especially those who would speak ill of him or his mother. He often was reckless with not caring about the consequences. He learned to love and only listen to metal, marijuana, alcohol, tattoo's and fast cars. Frequenting large parties that involved at least three of the five. However, that reckless behavior changed when he found the love of his life. Who made him quit both alcohol and marijuana and his more reckless behavior for several years. Today? He wouldn't be able to tell you what his personality was... [b]Ability[/b]: [b][i]Animal morphing[/i][/b]: His unique ability revolves around changing into animals, whether they're around, exotic, or simply extinct. Though a bizarre limitation is they actually had to exist. He can change almost instantly without needing an extreme amount of concentration, not usually constrained by a specific time limit. Often even changing from one animal, right to another. He does have quite a few weakness, for instance is he is not in full control of his power. He can sometimes change into the wrong thing, not change at all when he desire to. Change with he doesn't desire to. In rare cases, temporarily forget his memories and change his mindset into the animal he has become. Luckily it hasn't majorly effected his mental health and memories do return, or psychically. He does suffer from the occasional sharp migraine, which is also when his powers are the most likely to act up. Background: He lived most of his life with his single mother, in the west of USA. specifically in Oregon. His mother spent most of her life trying to make the lives of other better. Spending most of her time as a charity organizer or volunteering at her church since she was also very religious or at the local animal shelters or helping out at the boys and girls club. She didn't make money from any of these activities. Able to do this from the rather extensive life insurance policy her husband left for her, when he passed away from a tragic car accident on his way from a particularly rainy day from work. Only a week after the birth of Dominic. She didn't spend her time grieving and being depressed, deciding to follow her dreams, to not have to work and spend her time just looking after her son and helping everyone in need. She almost always took her son to these events to help out. He didn't mind, in fact he was also excited to help out. He honestly didn't complain about anything life threw at him, he considered himself content and happy. When is mother died, from being stabbed to death from a mugger one fateful night she went out on his birthday of all times. He was looked after by all his friends he had made unfortunately they also were self proclaimed rebels and party animals. They all took him into that lifestyle which was quite contrasting from his first 18 years. Changing his personality and behavior as they spent more and more time together at the constant parties they would go to, getting high and drunk and having good times at the expense of others. They gave him his first tattoo at 19, a black heart with MOM in the middle, on his upper right leg to honor his mothers passing. It didn't stay his only tattoo for long as he continued to his reckless lifestyle for several years. Until, due to losing a drinking bet. He was forced to go to a dating website where he ended up meeting his girlfriend, Alice and his reason he went to London in the first place. She was everything to him in a rather short time, they would spend their entire days talking to one another over the internet. Making him quit drinking and smoking and his other reckless behavior. Nearly 4 years they spent together, they even got engaged and sent each other rings. Deciding to make a new life with her in London, move into a place together and that's exactly what he did. He had been in London for approximately a month now, living in his girlfriend's small apartment, while they found a place to move. He was out looking to get a job most of the day, it was March 1st, his birthday. He could only imagine what surprise his fiancee had in store when he went up the stairs to reach his girlfriend's door, he could hear another man talking “about their love together”. He quickly open the door, he froze in completes shock seeing her shirt-less and bra-less, kissing another man, a total stranger that he never saw before on the lips. She shoved him away, the words that escaped her lips. “This is not what you think it is.” He never felt so betrayed, angry, everything in his mind got clouded by a darkness of sorts, he glared daggers at the strange man, he wanted the man dead. Suddenly his mind seemed to shut off, he only felt one emotion anger. He had turned into a wolf right before both of their eyes, he lunged at the stranger knocking him on of his feet, biting down on his throat and savagely clawing into him. Within a minute he changed back and remembered what he did, looking at his bloodstained hands in horror of what he had just done. What the hell had just happened? He knew his girlfriend was right by him, he couldn't even look at her face. The only thing he could think to do was to bolt of his girlfriend's apartment. The proceeding day, he was in a cheap motel mainly so he had a bed to sleep in, having absolutely no idea what to do... [b]Other[/b]: His nickname 'Don' came from his girlfriend accidentally messing up his name the first few times they talked to each other, which he found humorous and the nickname stuck despite being slightly inaccurate compared to his real name.