Tamlin breathed out a sigh of thanks that the other man had heard him, trying to keep conscious. When the man touched him, he jerked away, his breathing becoming shallower. He had multiple smaller wounds from the woman, one of which the man had just laid his hand on. "Please, can you-" he broke off as his vision began swimming. Slowly he continued, his breathing shallower than before. "Take me somewhere. I need to lay down before I pass out." He looked up at the man, just noticing the smell of alcohol that was on the man. He hoped the man wasn't too drunk to remember where he lived, or how to get there. Tamlin just needed a place to lay down, and where he could relax. He needed a place to hide and to heal, somewhere that the other Fae didn't know about. "Can you help me?" He tried to use the wall to help push himself up, but found the stress on his body was too much. He cried out in pain, falling against the wall, slowly sliding down it, causing pain in his back. "Damned woman." His voice was a low growl. "I'll fucking kill her." He hoped the other man couldn't hear him clearly, knowing most humans wouldn't be accepting of murder.