One of the Tower's bedroom lights were shut off, almost as if the occupant were still asleep despite the late morning hour. However, dim lights were flashing under the door crack, betraying the fact that the room's occupant was in fact wide awake, perhaps having been so for most of the night in fact. Within the room, posters with arcane symbols drawn on them covered parts of the wall, their meaning unknown to most but it was a safe bet they were meant for protection of some kind. In the corner stood a mannequin wearing the distinctive uniform of the team's resident magician, Kazam. A television was the source of the flashing light, the screen rapidly changing the images on it as the bone crunching sounds of a fighting game set to a power rock soundtrack served as the room's ambiance. As for the magician himself, he sat at the foot of his bed, controller in hand as he furiously mashed buttons in a seemingly chaotic rhythm. On screen, his player avatar was locked in a heated martial arts battle with an online opponent, the characters on screen trading blows as if this video game match somehow held the weight of the world on it. Suddenly, Al's chosen fighter gained a tremendous amount of momentum and began to unleash what had to be a record-breaking combo attack against Al's opponent, the enigmatic LolCat101. Al was not much into video games before joining this team, but after having spent nights of boredom with nothing better to do than beat the ever living tar out of his teammates at these games, Al had since become rather hooked on the experience. With this game in-particular, [i]Knuckles of Steel[/i], Al began practicing and even training himself in the game's controls almost religiously after he was humiliated by LolCat101 in an online match. Since then Al had made his mission to become good enough at the game to get his revenge, and at this moment he was so close he could practically taste the victory that was well within his grasp. All that work, all that practice, his beautiful, no, LEGENDARY combo attack was shattered to pieces when alarms suddenly blared. Al's concentration broken, along with his combo, he watched helplessly as his online nemesis gained a second wind and, in a devastating comeback, defeated Al once again for the umpteenth time. Al's face practically boiled red when he was forced to look at LolCat's victory taunt yet again. Then suddenly, he exploded and let loose a scream of righteous fury, "NOOOOOOOOOOO!" it sounded rather urgent, like something terrible and tragic had just happened, when in reality it was the lamentations of a defeated gamer. Al trudged miserably to breakfast a few moments after that, "My combo... my victory... snatched away from me by that punk. If I ever meet you LolCat101 I swear I'm gonna drah os rehten eht ot uoy hsinab dna ssa ruoy kcik!"