[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/KjQh0O1.png[/img][/center] [center][h1]Kalpia-1921-MARCH[/h1] [b]Kalpian Exploration Society[/b] The Kalpian Exploration Society is a institution founded by the parliament with the objective to explore North Faresia and to reveal all the secrets that are in the jungles and tropics of the islands within those objectives is to make contact with the natives from North Faresia and to know more about them their customes and traditions in order to be able to establish better institution to manage the colonial affairs in Faresia , the Kalpian Exploration Society have it's origins as a private society , called Kalpian Exploration Society where most of the members were rich young people that wanted to explore and to learn the misteries of the world however with the time it has evolved in to something more serious and organized , their current leader Sibeovan Epiqueo have reformed the society for said objective and he has done with such success that the goverment have noticed his achievements and have put him in charge in a much larguer and more extensive operation. [img]https://icfadumbartonoaks.files.wordpress.com/2012/10/tw002.jpg[/img] [i]Members of the Kalpian Exploration Society (KES)[/i] The first Objective of the Kalpian Exploration Society is to explore around the colony of Oclardth and to contact with the natives living there if there is any , they will sail to Oclardth on March 5th in order to start the expedition as fast as possible and to return with the results to the colonial administration in order to better rule over the claimed territories of Kalpia.[/center]