[hider=Eiko] Name: Eiko Hunter Age:? Race: Human Appearance: Eiko stands at the height of 5'7, and weighs around 111 lbs, she has a fair skin tone with dark raven colored hair that nearly reaches her shoulders and with some of her hair hanging in between her eyes, she has thin dark eyebrows, she has sapphire colored eyes that turn red when she gets angered, she has thin pink lips, with a small nose and thin eyebrows over top of her eyes. Eiko has a thin Ectomorph build with no real muscles, Eiko has thin and somewhat long limbs, she has an average size bust for someone her age. Eiko wears a simple grey oppai t-shirt with dark colored cargo pants over her shirt she wears a black bulletproof protective vest, on her elbows and knees she wears knee and elbow pads, on her hands she wears gloves with the fingers cut off. Skills: [list] [*]Expert marksmen [*]Agile [*]skilled swordsmen [/list] Weapons: [hider=P90][img]http://orig09.deviantart.net/c2fc/f/2007/144/b/b/fn_p90_by_pabumus.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Short blade][img]http://collections.rmg.co.uk/mediaLib/377/media-377097/large.jpg[/img][/hider] Personality:No matter the situation she is in, Eiko always seems to maintain a tired stoic emotionless expression on her face besides an occasional glare at someone when they annoy her. Eiko even speaks in an emotionless tone to add to her emotionless like persona, Eiko can be very blunt never holding back on her opinions or ideas when asked.The stoic girl has a tendency to make what she does sound a little poetic in a way and reminisce about her upbringing. Other:Nothing else for now [/hider]