Yuno smirked slightly as the man before her of such high esteem in the church, or at least a man who had once been such, was flustered before her so easily. After he gave his name she responded.[color=6ecff6] “I would introduce myself back, but you already know my name.”[/color] While he continued on she put a hand to her chin to think before snapping her fingers as her mind came to a decision. [color=6ecff6]“Well, I think heading to your headquarters is best. Bringing me along to the next person may seem a little odd and I would likely simply complicate things. As I said though, if what you said seems to be true and extraordinary I will gladly stay with this team you are putting together. For now though, I can’t sacrifice everything I have done so far in school just based on one’s word. I hope you understand, I don’t mean to undermine the sacrifice you made when leaving the church to combat their supposed plot. I actually hope what you say is true at this point.”[/color] She stated to him before bowing slightly. Afterwards she allowed him to respond and send her through the portal. Hands gently crossed behind her back while doing so. [color=6ecff6]“I must admit, this portal magic seems really handy. Perhaps I could study it sometime?” was her last comment before heading through. [/color]