[center]~|Day 2, 22:00-22:03 GST|~ ~|Vivithe, Sith Quarters (Common room)|~[/center] The Sith lord strolled through the halls of the Sith sector alone, she needed no guards here, she really didn't need guards anywhere with her status. She only brought them along with her when she went into the Jedi cells, if she were to go in by herself then the Jedi might believe her deceiving appearance meant she wasn't strong. Then maybe they would try to jump her and see how badly they had screwed up with their misconceptions. In both of her hands clenched tightly were a pair of training lightsabers, her own real weapon sat on her belt hidden from sight. The faux weapons were a necessity for today's planned dealings with the recently turned Nazca. She didn't want to hurt the girl [i]too[/i] badly, and if she did get hurt then it would be entirely her fault, Vivithe wasn't planning to give a crash course on combat. Nazca was not ready for anything like that, she'd need to learn how to actually hold a lightsaber first, taught like a child. As she walked towards the Sith quarters she narrowed herself to where the new apprentice was. It was the faintest glimmer of the Force, yet rift with potential, like that of a Force sensitive that didn't know it could harness such wonder. Vivithe pinpointed the girl's location in one of the rooms, likely resting, the Sith lord took a step inside the room, the door automatically coming open. "Hello again, Nazca, hope you're enjoying your new dwellings. Also hope that you got some rest because now you're training will begin. Come along, you have much to learn." Vivithe said, more of an order than asking like she did with the Jedi.