Name: Mentis Age: 14 years, though often mistaken to be older. Race: Human Appearance: Mentis is tall for his age, standing at 5'8 tall, with wavy white hair that's just above shoulder length, amber colored eyes, and pale white skin. Though due to an eating disorder, he is greatly underweight. Mentis wears a brown coat that is to large for him, along with torn, tan baggy pants, and black boots. And a necklace hidden under his coat. He is often mistaken to be much older than he is, and never really bothers to correct people on this. Ability type: Mentis has no abilities, though he is an exceptionally good doctor in training, he has been learning since he was very young. Equipment: Mentis carries a back pack with him at all times, fulled with bandages, ointments, needles and thread for any cuts that need stitches. Along with other basic medicines, and tools of his trade. Mentis carries no weapons with him. Personality: TBA Bio: Mentis had always been a frail human, from the day he was born, with weak lungs and a fragile body. Because of this he was sent to be raised by a doctor's family, who could probably look after him. By has always been mature for his age, and by nature he is an incredibly friendly and selfless boy, and he could never bring himself to hurt anyone, (not that he could really even lift a weapon in the first place). So despite his frailty, he wanted to help people in what ever way he could, he decided to become a doctor, like the man who had raised him. It was something he found that he was rather good at and, he had a passion for being a doctor, and so learnt quickly the basics of medicine.