[hider=Luther Ulfsson][b]Name:[/b] Luther Ulfsson [b]Alias:[/b] N/A [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Image][img]http://blog.augustushare.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/DSC06081.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Abilities:[/b] An increase in the connections between neurons and the promotion of hippocampal neurogenesis in Luther's brain has caused Luther to develop [color=7ea7d8]hypercognition[/color] and [color=7ea7d8]enhanced intelligence.[/color] A heightened level of brain functioning has allowed him to accelerate cognitive processes like learning and understanding; thus, with effort, information, and motivation, Luther could effectively learn a new language or a new field in science over the period of a few days rather than over the course of a few years. On the other hand, Luther has become more susceptible to the symptoms of depression, anxiety, and headaches. In addition to his hypercognition and enhanced intelligence, Luther now possesses [color=7ea7d8]localized control over water[/color], including its solid and gaseous forms and phase changes to either state. He is limited solely to bodies of water which are within view and within 50 meters, approximately the length of an Olympic pool. This ability requires more focus as the distance increases to the furthest limit, and overexertion may affect areas outside of 50 meters with the immediate effect of losing consciousness for anywhere from 30 minutes to 1 hour. Luther can manipulate the closest and smallest bodies of water with little to no effort, but higher volumes of water in excess of 1 cubic meter become increasingly difficult to manage and also require higher levels of focus. The maximum volume of water which Luther may manipulate is 10 cubic meters. When Luther relinquishes control of a body of water, the water is no longer an isolated system. Bigger bodies of water take longer to change states, so it is more efficient to focus on a small surface area than it is to affect a large expanse. [b]Skills:[/b] [list][*]Natural (but below genius) intellect [*]Energetic, friendly personality [*]Decent singer, high vocal range [*]Skilled speaker and writer and adequate artist [*]English and German speaker [*]Highly emotional [*]Witty, comedic[/list] [b]Flaws:[/b] [list][*]Bad (but improving) temper [*]Nearsighted [*]Not very creative [*]Not incredibly strong [*]Low self-esteem [*]Highly emotional [*]Snarky, sarcastic[/list] [b]Background:[/b] [i]2182:[/i] Luther Ulfsson is born in New London on 7 July to working-class parents, William Ulfsson and Sonica Ulfsson (née Thomson). [i]2190:[/i] Luther is accepted into a program for gifted students. [i]2196:[/i] Luther starts secondary education with the goal of eventually doing scientific research and mathematics. [i]2197:[/i] Luther's mother starts work as a junior staffer for the Lunar Colony. That same year, Luther's father is diagnosed with cancer. [i]2198:[/i] Luther writes two opinion articles for the school newspaper on the unrest in New London. [i]2199:[/i] William Ulfsson's cancer goes into remission. A final operation removes the cancer entirely. [i]2200:[/i] Sonica Ulfsson returns to Mars from the Lunar Colony. The Quake occurs, and Luther begins exhibiting higher performance in school. [b]Sample Post:[/b] [i]14 February 2200.[/i] The holotablet on the desk displayed integral calculus, complete with a graph, some variables, and an equation. A gentle, deft touch dragged information across the surface of the device, and an index finger wrote the calculations in a bright sky blue as an occupied mind worked further and further ahead. The graph slanted on the screen as Luther penned more work on the problem, and the graph eventually morphed to show a three-dimensional representation of his work so far. Variables changed at Luther's command, and terms of equations shifted past each other like tectonic plates. The tall, youthful brunet, who stooped over the desk, mumbled his computations, and wrote his answers with elegance and speed, swiped his finger in a circle around the last number and tapped into the next page of work. In a few more months, his time in secondary education would terminate, and Luther could proceed to university. Hallowed halls, packed seminars, scientific license, and individual freedom awaited Luther Ulfsson, and he held the duty of carrying the family into the future. Perhaps he was beyond the transient period of gradeschool education, where everyone was forgettable including oneself and where social needs were not so easily met as they were deprived by both strict codes of conduct and illusory climates of condescension. Luther could feel his hand forced at any given moment, either by the prevailing authorities or by any imagined worry. But not so, at the university. Luther bided his time until then. Luther took a peek at the new problem before him, and he wrinkled his nose. "[i]Disgusting[/i]." Grabbing his glass of water, possibly Mars' scarcest commodity, Luther stepped towards his room's window which faced north, and in the sky, he could discern the star Deneb and the moon Phobos. It was very obviously night out, but New London kept moving and shining. That fact reminded Luther of something he had read online once, a 200-year-old quote, but maybe it was irrelevant. The people were not content with the way things were, and USF presence on Mars only increased in the past few months. Just that day, 4 people went missing without explanation, but time and time again, the people in charge maintained their story that they would 'look into it.' Luther swirled the water around in his glass, and shooting an armed glare at the liquid, it tensed into ice as if he had threatened to murder it. He let it change into a liquid again and repeated his little parlor trick. The first time he had done this, Luther was crying in his room just a week before, and his tears evaporated harmlessly the moment they dripped from his face. Neurotically, Luther continued the cycle over and over again as with every habit and trial in his life, but somehow, he felt something larger ahead.[/hider]