Andrew gave a sigh. [b]"Rena's right. There's a potential for close contact if we choose to take the route down straight into town. There's also the possibility of others, well, alive others. They'd see us coming. We'd be practically a perfect meal. Especially with the amount of kit we have."[/b] He hated nothing more than when things went wrong this way. [b]"I think were best off taking this route."[/b] One finger pointed towards a road that entered the town from the East, and another few roads that spiraled off before entering the town. Emilie followed the group and waited beside the gathered group. She had always chosen to stay away from these conversations, the fear of having everyone's death on her head was too much. However, she spoke up. [b]"I agree with Cameron. We should take a few houses at first and if things get hairy we can get out easier. As for groups, I suggest two. With radio contact."[/b] Andrew took a moment, slowly and carefully thinking it over. [b]"How about Rena, Mary, Marc and myself? Emilie, Cameron and Annie in another? Well stay in houses next to each other and move only when the other is ready?"[/b]