[B]NPC: Igarashi Iemasa[/B] "[color=6ecff6]Right on the money, Matsumoto-kun,[/color]" was Iemasa's smiling reply, the young teacher lifting up his satchel to show the stack of history essays piled inside more clearly to his student. "[color=6ecff6]My third year history class just handed in their first assignment of the semester, so I'm off to get them all done and dusted before the end of the weekend.[/color]" He was quite interested to see his students' thoughts and their overall ability to construct well-written, well-argued and generally fluent pieces of writing. If they weren't able to do so, it was his duty to make sure that they were in tip-top-shape by the end of the year; being able to write well was always a boon, especially when job-searching. "[color=6ecff6]How are you finding classes so far?[/color]" he asked, eager to know how his students were faring. "[color=6ecff6]Anything hip and happening?[/color]"