Doomed Hero Name: Memory Real name: Doesn't remember (will be revealed later) Age: 17 Appearance: Memory's appearance isn't all that special: she's 5 feet 7inches, has an athletic figure, and black hair that stops an two inches below her shoulders with bangs covering her forehead. The one thing that could be considered special about her appearance is her eyes; they're a light grayish silver color. Costume: Memory's opinion on costumes is simple: they're stupid. So instead, she wears a simple black hoodie, black skinny jeans, and black sneakers. Abilities: Memory manipulation, superhuman strength and speed Doom: Brought closer when overexerting self or showing mercy. Doomtrack: O O O O O Doomsign: 1 Doomsign Ability: [b]Burning Bright:[/b] Mark your Doom Track to ignore one of the GM's stated requirements when you call upon the deeper nature of your powers in your sanctuary. Labels: Freak: -2 -1 0 [u]+1[/u] +2 Danger: -2 -1 0 [u]+1[/u] +2 Savior: -2 -1 0 [u]+1[/u] +2 Superior: -2 [u]-1[/u] 0 +1 +2 Mundane: -2 -1 [u]0[/u] +1 +2 Sanctuary Description: Memory's apartment doubles as her sanctuary. It's a pretty average apartment: there's a bathroom, a small kitchen area, and a bedroom. The only special thing about it is the pictures that are hanging everywhere. These pictures are photos that Memory has taken. These photos all of times she doesn't want to forget. Sanctuary Features: -Meditation Space -Art, Music, and Food -Locks and traps Sanctuary Downside: -Easily damaged or tampered with -Location known to many Background: Memory's past has been taken from her. She doesn't know how, nor does she know who did the taking. She only knows that she has powers and the consequence for abusing these powers. When she overuses these powers, she knows that she will lose the ability to remember. Now, she uses her powers to try to hunt down whoever did this to her, while also looking for lost memories. Questions: [b]When did you first learn of your doom?[/b] When she got her first memory. It was of her being cursed by a man she had read about the paper: Aphosis. He had explained her doom to her, but did not explain how to undo it. [b]Where did you get your sanctuary?[/b] It wasn't too hard. Due to her lack of money, she wasn't able to get an apartment the conventional way. So she used her memory manipulation to make everyone associated with the building forget about the apartment room in the basement level of the building. This, being a lot of work, is what caused her first Doomsign. [b]How is your nemesis tied into your doom?[/b] Aphosis was the one who doomed her. Simple as that. [b]Who, outside of the team, is crucial to facing your nemesis?[/b] She doesn't know of anyone yet. [b]Why does the team matter to you?[/b] She knows she cannot undo what Aphosis did to her alone. Relationships: You told ____[u]Kiante[/u]____ all about your doom and the danger you're in. You most want to remember ____[u]Argon[/u]____ when your Doom hits. Other: When she uses her Memory Manipulation power, black, mist-like vines creep from her head into the heads of her victims. Also, she has an instant camera she carries in a backpack-esque camera case.